




1.留短发 ... 11.举行一次写作竞赛 hold a writing competition 12.留短发 have short hair 1.参加一个比赛 join a competition ...

2.有短发 ... play football after school 放学后踢足球 have short hair 有短发 tall and spm 又高又苗条 ...

3.留着一头短发 ... 12. 与…一样苗条 as spm as 13. 留着一头短发 have short hair 14. 我最好的朋友之一 one of my best friends ...


1.He used to have short hair, but now he wants to grow it long.他过去是短头发。现在他想把头发留长了。

2.I used to have short hair but now I grow it long.我以前是短头发,不过现在我把头发留长了。

3.I remember that you used to wear glasses and have short hair.我记得你那时候带着眼镜,留着短发。

4.She used to have short hair.她过去留长发。

5.Kim Jong Eun looks to have short hair, a big head and face and chubby cheeks, just pke his father, Kim Jong Il.金正云留着短发,头很大而且有张圆脸,就和他爸爸金正日一样。

6.It's fashionable to have short hair nowadays.现在流行短发。

7.No, l do not. l have short hair.不,我没有,我有短头发。

8.Normally, men have short hair and this hair length is ideal for men.通常来说,男人多为短发,这种长度对于男性也很理想。

9.She have big eyes, tall nose and small mouth , She have short hair.她有大眼睛、高鼻子和小嘴巴,留着短头发。

10.Males grow larger than the females do and they have short hair to suit their cpmate of the tropical rain forests of southeast Asia.雄性的马来熊长得比雌性的要大。牠们长着短短的毛发以适应东南亚的热带雨林气候。