




1.得了流感 do morning exercises 做早操 have the flu 得了流感 have sore eyes 眼睛发炎 ...

2.得流感 5. 得重感冒 have a bad cold 6. 得流感 have the flu 8. 喉咙痛 have a sore throat ...

3.患流感 ... flu vac 流感疫苗 have the flu 得了流感,患流感 flu vaccine 流感疫苗 ; 感冒疫苗 ...

4.流行性感冒 have a stomacheache 胃痛 have the flu 流行性感冒 have a sore throat 嗓子痛 ...

5.流行感冒 ... have a field trip 野外郊游 have the flu 流行感冒 Do you have any hobbies? 你有什么爱好吗? ...

6.患流行性感冒 have a cough 咳嗽 have the flu 患流行性感冒 have sore eyes 眼痛 ...

7.患感冒 ... able people 人才 have the flu 患感冒 Al Qaeda's Unpkely Ramadan Attack Plan 基地组织是不太可能斋月攻击计划 ...


1.B No, I've still got a headache. And I feel as if I have the 'flu.B不,我还是头疼。我觉得有点感冒了。

2.He's feepng absolutely terrible, and he thinks he might have the flu.他感觉非常得不好,觉得自己得了流感。

3.Harry: I'm not old yet, but I have the flu and don't feel pke going out on such a cold night.哈利:我是还没有老,但我感冒了,这麽冷的夜晚不想外出。

4.The ALA notes that it may be particularly difficult to tell when infants and preschool age children have the flu.在美国图书馆协会指出,这可能是特别困难的时候,告诉婴儿和学龄前儿童儿童感冒。

5.His assistant, a jovial roly poly girl, explains in rapid Cantonese that the man might have the flu.他的助手,一位快活的女孩,用快速的广东话解释:梁得了流感。

6.You'll know you have the flu and not just a cold if you've got a fever of 102 or more, a headache, and muscle aches.如果你发烧四十多度,头疼而且肌肉酸痛,你应该知道是流感而不是普通的感冒。

7.Well, let me take your temperature and have a look at your throat. Yes, you do have the flu. Just take some medicine.嗯,让我量量尼的体温,看看你的喉咙。是的,你的确患了感冒,吃点药就好了。

8.Yes, you do have the flu. Take this prescription to the dispensary for your medicine.对,你的确是流感,拿这张药方到药房配药。

9.Try to stay away from people who have the flu, and always cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze.要尽可能远离感染了禽流感的人群,并且咳嗽或者打喷嚏的时候要捂住嘴巴和鼻子。

10.Swimming for six miles after eating a big sandwich produces the same results than to have the flu.吃一个大三明治之后,游泳六英里,(在体能消耗上)相当于患一次流感的效果。