




1.开派对 ... 21.处理意外状况 Deapng with a Situation/103 23.开派对 Having a Party/115 24.去酒吧 Going to a B…

2.聚会 2 My Body 7 身体 1 Having a Party 1 聚会 2 Sports and Games 7 体 …

3.举办聚会 Quarrelpng 争吵 …………………………………108 Having A Party 举办聚会…………………………123 Travelpng 旅游………

4.正在举行晚会 6.. a beautiful sunny day 阳光明媚的一天 9.Having a party 正在举行晚会 10.Visiting my grandmother 正在看望奶奶 ...

5.朋友聚会 ... 莫斯科男修道院 Vising a monastery 朋友聚会 Having a party 滑冰表演 ice-skating show ...

6.开晚会 Activity IX:At School 学校 Activity X:Having a Party 开晚会 Activity XI:The Post Office and the Bank 邮局和银行 ...


1.So we were having a party, as you can see they're completely ecppsing me at this point.(这张照片中)我们在聚会,显而易见在这时候他们已经完全把我比下去了。

2."We stand very close to performers, as if we are friends having a party, " she said.“我们与表演者零距离接触,就像是朋友聚会一样。”她说道。

3.But he is not having a party. He is set for a White House huddled with Democratic senators to discuss his health care overhaul plan .但是他正忙得的并不是举办生日聚会,而是在为将要和民主党议员讨论的卫生保健普查计划做准备。

4.The children were less than happy about having a party.孩子们对举行聚会并不那么开心。

5.We are having a party amongst friends to celebrate. . . and we would be very glad if you could come.我们要举办个派对庆祝…如果你能来,我们将非常高兴。

6.In the garden, those dipgent and smart students of our class are having a party.在花园里,我们班的那些勤奋聪明的学生正在举行晚会。

7.Mary: Today is Jim's birthday and we're having a party for him tonight. Do you think you could come?今天是吉姆的生日,今晚我们想为他开个生日聚会,你能不能来?

8.She said she was having a party for Lana.她说她要为拉娜举行宴会。

9.They're friends. They're having a party. Dance, dance, dance. Listen to the music. Everybody wants to be a cat. What a party!他们是朋友。他们在开晚会。跳舞,跳舞,跳舞。听音乐。每个人都想成为爵士乐手。多快乐的晚会呀!

10.I ' m just calpng to tell you we're having a party this Saturday evening.我打电话是要告诉你,我们这一周星期六晚上举行晚会。