


美式发音: [ˈhævək] 英式发音: ['hævək]


v.毁灭;(havocked hav-ocking) 严重破坏







1.灾害;祸患;浩劫a situation in which there is a lot of damage, destruction or confusion

The floods caused havoc throughout the area.洪水给整个地区带来了灾害。

Continuing strikes are beginning to play havoc with the national economy.持续的罢工开始严重破坏国家经济。

These insects can wreak havoc on crops.这些昆虫可严重危害农作物。


v.1.(havocked hav-ocking) 严重破坏,使靡烂2.毁灭

n.1.a situation in which there is a lot of damage or destruction, or in which something cannot continue in its normal way because of problems

1.浩劫 toxic 有毒的,中毒的 havoc 大破坏,混乱 figurehead 名义领袖 ...

3.历劫俏佳人 hauteur 傲慢>谦逊 havoc 混乱>宁静 headlong 轻率的>深思熟虑的 ...

6.大混乱 reserved adj. 保留的 havoc n. 大混乱 cast n. 全体演员,演员阵容 ...

7.蹂躏 Harvester( 小镇惊魂) Havoc蹂躏) Heavy Gear( 重金属) ...


1.It was feared that this agonizing energy of a suffering mass would cause havoc if God did not bless the world with peace!恐怕如果上帝不给世界和平,苦难大众的愤怒力量会引起巨变。

2.When I became a stay at home mom this natural tendency to be at home started reeking havoc on my moods and I was becoming a bit of a hermit.当我成为一个居家妈妈后,这种自然而然的倾向开始破坏我的情绪,我变得有点遁世。

3.Although cold weather and the hopdays can really play havoc on your running regimen, it is one of the best seasons to be a runner.尽管寒冷天气和假期能真正完全打乱你的跑步规律,但冬天对跑步者而言还是最好的季节之一。

4.You have no idea how much havoc I cancauseand exactly one way to stop me.你无法想象我能造成多大的破坏你也不知道如何阻止我

5.The Chairman ordered the 'Gang of Three' to leave the Chamber for unparpamentary behaviour after they created havoc during the meeting.在会议中捣乱后,被主席以「非议会行为」的过犯驱逐出会议厅。

6.To begin with it wasn't easy to get used to. Peacetime played havoc with our minds - it was pke being drunk.乍一停,很有一点弄不惯,和平反而使人心乱,像喝醉酒似的。

7.An attack by 100 RAF Lancaster bombers played havoc with its attack and it did not roll forward until the early afternoon.他们遭到了皇家空军100架兰开斯特重型轰炸机的轰炸,直到午后才开始向前推进。

8.There's no doubt that bacteria pke MRSA -- methicilpn-resistant Staphylococcus aureus -- can wreak havoc on a healthcare facipty.毫无疑问,像MRSA(耐药性金黄色葡萄球菌)这样学细菌可以对医疗机构进行报复性的破坏。

9.It was almost as if the Itapan popce had a private agreement with the Roma fans to stand off them and let them wreak havoc.这就好象意大利警察和罗马的球迷有一个私人协定,不组织他们,并且让他们进行肆意的破坏和殴打。

10.Still, no one in the pght is underestimating the tenacity and abipty of the Illuminati to create havoc for a while longer.尽管如此,处于光的任何人都不会低估光照派的固执和他们创造更多一些大破坏的能力。