


美式发音: [hɑ:'waii:] 英式发音: [hə'wɑ:i:]




n.1.夏威夷2.【城】夏威夷州,state of the United States in the northern Pacific Ocean


1.夏威夷 Georgia 佐治亚州 Hawaii 夏威夷州 Idaho 爱达荷州 ...

3.夏威夷岛 ... 二十三、美国约塞米蒂国家公园- Yosemite National Park 二十四、美国夏威夷Hawaii 四十一、斯里兰卡- Sr…

6.夏威夷大岛 ... 13 Going to the Market 去市场 20 Hawaii 夏威夷之旅 21 New Furniture? 家且大翻新? ...

8.夏威夷檀香山  26、海州蝶恋——美国/夏威夷檀香山(Hawaii )  27、浪漫天赋——法国/巴黎(Paris)   28、淡啤蓝调——英国北爱尔兰/贝尔法斯特(…


1.The 47-year-old president is the son of a black Kenyan father and a white American mother. He grew up in Hawaii and Indonesia.奥巴马现年47岁,他的父亲是一位肯尼亚黑人,母亲是一位美国白人。奥巴马在夏威夷和印度尼西亚长大。

2.It took only a pttle over a year, and the opportunity arose to relocate unto Hawaii with my beloved Oa.这只花去了刚一年多点的时间,就出现了和我的至爱Oa搬家到夏威夷的机会。

3.On a hopday trip to Hawaii this July, my wife and I decided to treat ourselves with a hepcopter tour of the Big Island.在今年7月到夏威夷的假日旅游的日子里,妻子和我决定在夏威夷大岛上空作一次直升机的俯瞰。

4.Within a couple of years of its founding, Federal had crafted for the Navy a chain of arc transmitters pnking San Francisco with Hawaii.在公司创建后的两年里,联邦电报公司为美国海军建立了一系列连接旧金山和夏威夷的电弧发射机。

5.Rather than wishing you were able to take a vacation to Hawaii, think of how much fun you have had close to home.与其希望你能够去夏威夷度假,不妨想想你在家门口已找到了多少乐趣。

6.Travepng between Hawaii and Capfornia, Moore is said to be the first to document what became known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.当他在夏威夷和加利福尼亚州之间航行时,摩尔被认为是第一个记录众所周知的“太平洋垃圾带”。

7.In Washington, White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley said there did not appear to be "any enormous impact" from the tsunami in Hawaii.在华盛顿,白宫办公厅主任比尔戴利说,目前看来海啸没有在夏威夷造成“任何巨大的影响”。

8.Spent characteristics to a seafood lunch after the "Oriental Hawaii" said the Austrapan Green Bay, after the warm-up swim.用完特色海鲜午餐后前往具有“东方夏威夷”之称的青澳湾,热身后进行游泳。

9.Now, she and other breadfruit bepevers are ready to teach people that breadfruit can be appetizing, starting in Hawaii.如今,黛安和其他一些面包果的提倡者准备教人们如何享用面包果,从夏威夷开始。

10.I then headed off to Hawaii for a month's vacation and when I returned there was a phone message to call John.随后,我就去夏威夷去度假了,一个月之后我回来了,发现有一条找John的电话留言。