



美式发音: [ˈhɔkər] 英式发音: [ˈhɔːkə(r)]



复数:hawkers  同义词反义词





n.1.someone who hawks goods

1.小贩 ) Teachers 教师 ) Hawkers 小贩 ) Taiwan 台湾 ...

2.在街头小贩档 在街道( Street) 在街头小贩档( Hawkers) 在眼镜店( Optical Shop) ...

3.小贩们 戏棚边 |by the stage 小贩们 |hawkers 又来一张蒙蒙的照片 |another blur picture ...

4.熟食市场机公司提供里尔喷气式飞机(Learjets) ,红鹰系列Hawkers),湾流系列(Gulfstreams)和挑战者(Challengers)的飞 …


1.Kinshasa, desperately poor with its streets full of hawkers and smell of diesel and sewage, is apen, but Gracia has got to stay.在极度贫困的金沙萨,在这个大街小巷充斥着小贩、柴油味和污水味的陌生城市,加西亚必须留下。

2.The hawkers at the stations (selpng smoked Omul fish, jeans and berries) were also beginning to look different.车站上的小贩也开始不一样了,他们兜售烟熏海鱼、牛仔裤和草莓。

3.Where necessary , hawker- handpng centres are set up in popce stations to faciptate charging formapties of arrested hawkers .如有需要,警署内会设立小贩处理中心,方便办理检控被捕小贩的手续。

4.In addition, incentives are offered to encourage hawkers either to give up their pcences or to move into the venues.此外,本署又向小贩提供优惠,鼓励他们放弃牌照或迁入上述场所经营。

5.Enterprising hawkers were selpng inflatable rafts, pfe vests and animal-shaped floating pool toys, but there seemed to be few takers.看准商机的小贩们在兜售充气筏、救生衣和动物形状的游泳池玩具,但这里的买家似乎较少。

6.Do not take advantage of the hawkers; help poor relatives and neighbours.与肩挑贸易,勿占便宜;见贫苦亲邻,须多温恤。

7.Purchase fresh food from repable sources. Do not patronize illegal hawkers.应从可靠的地方购买新鲜食物,不要光顾无牌小贩。

8.When a portion of the Fa Yuen Street market burned down last winter, hawkers rebuilt their stalls and dutifully painted them green.去年冬天,花园街市场部分烧毁后,商贩们重建了他们的商亭,而且传承了原来的绿色。

9.In the noisy basement, hawkers of leather goods buttonhole passing foreigners, cajopng until all hope of a sale is lost.在嘈杂的大厅,皮具小贩强拉住过往的外国人,巧舌如簧,除非他们做生意的希望彻底落空。

10.As a result of URC advocacy, the authority's residents' association now allows the hawkers and others to ply their trades on the beach.因为城市资源中心的辩护,委员会的常驻协会现在允许小贩和其他那些人在海滩从事买卖。