




1.海莉 Hayley 海蕾 Haype 海莉 Hazel 黑姿尔 ...

2.海丽 Habriella 哈布瑞娜 (蛮特别的~) Haype 海丽 Hebi 赫比 ...

3.石浠瑜 ... 郑沛彣 Cheng Pui Man 石浠瑜 HAYLIE 胡佩琪 Wu Pui Kei ...

4.思慧 姗姗(青山龙头大佬)‧ Sandy 思慧Haype 心...........萤!?‧ CRYSTAL LAI ...

5.檬猪 翠花 Popeye 檬猪 Haype 旺旺 Bubble ...

6.黄芷曦黄芷曦(haype) 二年级 梁隽曦(jerome) 二年级 黄咏莹(emily) 二年级 陈縕珊(jacquepne) 二年级


1.I still love Haype and would have stopped doing porn if she had asked me to.我仍然爱着海莉。如果她要求的话,我可以放弃拍摄成人电影。

2.Haype said: "I don't know if I will ever be able to trust a man again. "海莉说:“我不知道自己是否还会再相信男人。”

3.Sister Haype was the maid of honor with four additional bridesmaids.新娘的姐姐海莉是主伴娘,还有四名普通伴娘。

4.Now Haype has called her vicar to cancel the wedding.现在海莉已经让她的牧师取消了婚礼。

5.Duff had an older sister named Haype, who is two years older. Sister Haype started acting and singing in preschool.达芙还有个大她两岁的姐姐海莉,姐姐是在幼儿园开始表演和演唱的,她激励了妹妹的整个童年。

6."Mom didn't want Hilary to become a spoiled26 brat27, " says Haype.“妈妈不想把希拉里宠坏了,”海莉说。

7.The pair met last year when Jason became a customer at the garage where Haype worked.两人是于去年相识相恋的,当时简森是海莉工作的那家停车场的客户。