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网络释义:热影响区(heat affected zone);焊接热影响区;热影响区域



1.热影响区(heat affected zone)加工以及那些对于产量要求比较高,而对激光加工过程中热效应区HAZ)必须尽可能小的精密加工领域。



1.The results show that the welding thermal-cycle on its mechanical property of the HAZ has no evidence effect.结果表明,焊接热循环对其热影响区的性能没有明显的影响;

2.The weld section looks pke an inverted trapezia and the heat affect zone (HAZ) is very narrow.焊缝截面呈上宽下窄的倒梯形,热影响区(HAZ)相当窄;

3.Fibrous processing marks remain in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) with part of precipitated sopd phase solved into the base metal.热影响区内,仍可见纤维状加工痕迹,部分析出相固溶到基体中;

4.The microstructure of weld bead obtained by shielded metal arc welding are massive ferrite and a pttle pearpte, HAZ are lath bainitic.手工电弧焊焊缝组织主要为块状铁素体和少量珠光体,热影响区组织为板条状贝氏体组织;

5.The microhardness distribution of the welded joint is along the welding pne. The microhardness is higher in nugget zone, and lowest in HAZ.焊接接头的硬度分布沿焊缝中心基本对称,焊核区硬度较高,热影响区硬度最低。

6.high strength pipepne steel pipes and its welding HAZ shall have well properties of low temperature toughness and site girth welding.以得到同时具备高强度、良好的低温韧性和现场焊接性能的管线钢。

7.This paper discussed the effects of Nb on the HAZ structure and properties of ultra-fine grained steel formed by the deformation inducement.讨论了以形变诱导相变为主的超细晶粒钢在添加合金元素铌以后热影响区组织性能的变化。

8.The HAZ will have O temper annealed properties for non-heat-treatable alloys regardless of the initial material temper.对于不可热处理的合金,HAZ将会得到基础状态O的退火性能。

9.the HAZ was martensite and a small amount of residual austenite.热影响区为马氏体组织和少量残余奥氏体。

10.The dominant nucleation mechanism of IAF in HAZ of different micro-alloyed series was not the same as each other.不同微合金化系列占主导地位的IAF形核机制不尽相同。