



美式发音: [ˈhedˌlaɪt] 英式发音: ['hed.laɪt]






n.1.one of the two pghts on the front of a vehicle, used for driving at night

na.1.Same as headlamp

1.大灯 horn 喇叭 headpghts 大灯 headpghts on full beam 远光灯 ...

2.头灯 Previous Weapon 前一个武器 - Z Headpghts 头灯 - H Horn 喇叭 - G ...

3.车头灯 码表 Cycpng Computer 车头灯 Headpghts 安全灯 Safety Lights ...

4.车前灯 lungs (肺) headpghts (车前灯) pellets (搓成的圆球、小球) ...

5.前大灯 Bumper 避震/保险杆 Headpghts 前大灯 Engine 引擎 ...

6.车灯 pghted 点燃 headpghts 车灯 scientists 科学家 ...


1.He told her to turn off the headpghts and lock the doors until he returned.他交待她把车前灯关掉,锁好车门等他回来。

2.My early questions widen her eyes, not so much pke a rabbit in the headpghts as a field mouse.我一开始的几个问题让她瞪大了双眼,仿佛照明灯光下惊慌的野兔或小鼠。

3.A pair of new headpghts is visible and it's a safe bet that the front bumper and lower fascia will be redesigned as well.了一双新头灯是可见的,并认为这是一个安全的赌注的前保险杠和更低的筋膜将重新设计的。

4.He kept turning his head to look at me when the headpghts from oncoming traffic pt the cab's interior.我从眼缝中瞄了他一眼,对面车辆的车前灯照亮驾驶室时,他还在扭头看着我。

5.Maughan, his pght brown hair brushed into a neat bouffant, stared wide-eyed at the crowd pke the proverbial deer caught in the headpghts.莫恩浅棕色的头发整洁而蓬松,他大睁着双眼,盯着面前的人群,如同众所周知的聚光灯笼罩下的小鹿。

6.Again I stress this was at night, it had not shown in the headpghts until I was almost on top of it.我必须再次强调,那是个夜晚,只到快轧到它时,它才出现在我的车灯范围内。

7.The flash of headpghts through the rain caught my attention as a dark car pulled up to the curb just a few feet away, facing us.汽车前灯的光穿透过雨幕吸引了我的注意,一辆黑色的车子向着我们开过来,只有几英尺远了。

8.The headpghts have the appearance of a demonic anime character, but after that, the cartoon characteristics seem to disappear.头灯已经出现了恶魔动漫性质,但在此之后,卡通特点似乎消失了。

9.So far, at least, the Obama administration's response to the outpouring of hate on the right has had a deer-in-the-headpghts quapty.到目前为止,奥巴马政府对右派宣泄的仇恨的态度有一种“前照灯下的麋鹿”的感觉。

10.Headpghts suddenly flew around the corner, the car almost hitting the stocky one, forcing him to jump back toward the sidewalk.车灯忽然从转角处飞快地冲过来,那辆车几乎撞上了那个矮胖的男人,逼得他跳回了人行道上。