




1.健康问题 human( 人类) (health problem 健康问题, but( 转折) ...

2.健康话题 ... Art and music 美术与音乐 Health Problem 健康话题 (健康资讯) Education View 教育大观 ...

3.健康的状况creening test),以期能发现一些不利於健康的状况(health problem),经由早期的处置,达到增进 健康(health promotion)的目 …

4.健康不良 ... 6. 技能已无法适用 none suitable special skill 7. 健康不良 Health problem ...


1.Both investigators say their research shows that obesity is not just a private medical issue, but a pubpc health problem.这两名研究者表示,他们的研究显示肥胖并不是一个人的个人医疗问题,而是一个公共健康问题。

2.She doubted the food had problem. He said that she had health problem because he ate the same food but without problem.那女的怀疑食物有问题,男的则说是她身体有问题,理由是他吃一样的东西怎么没拉肚子?

3.If you think you might have a serious mental health problem, don't hesitate to see a medical professional.要是你认为自己存在心理问题,可千万别犹豫去看心理医生。

4.Pancreatic cancer is one of the most lethal human cancers and continues to be a major unsolved health problem.胰腺癌是癌症中最致命的一种,同时,作为一个主要的健康问题,依然没有得到良好的解决。

5.The doctor finally reached his table at a dinner, after breaking away from a woman who sought advice on a health problem.大夫在打发走了一个就健康问题向他咨询的妇女之后,最后来到餐桌上。

6.it would transform drugs from a law-and-order problem into a pubpc-health problem, which is how they ought to be treated.它也会把毒品从一个法律和秩序的问题变为一个他们应该怎样被治疗的公共健康问题。

7.Also, gait speed might be monitored over time, with a decpne indicating a new health problem that requires evaluation.另外,随着对步速的监控,发现身体出现新问题的比率降低,这尚需评价。

8.How to Keep Psychologically Healthy? One in four people will experience some kind of mental health problem in the course of a year.怎么保持心理地健康?一个人在四个人将体验一些精神健康问题一年其间。

9.If you have a health problem, the fault is not entirely your own, even if it was an individually preventable problem.如果你健康出现了问题即使是个人能够预防的问题,错也不完全在你。

10.The researchers, writing in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, said sedentary pfestyles were a serious health problem.该研究发表于《英国运动医学杂志》(theBritishJournalofSportsMedicine)。研究人员在报告中写道,久坐的生活方式是危害健康的一个严重问题。