




1.心功能泵道,新加坡国家心脏中心去年引进的最新型人造心脏——心脏泵heart pump),只有高尔夫球般大小,可直接安装在心尖下 …

3.心泵作用,是由心肌和瓣膜等构成的泵血器官,因此称其 为心泵(heart pump). 心脏的节律性舒缩活动是周期性的,它是血液循环功能 …

4.人造心脏泵新加坡去年首度引入新一代人造心脏泵heart pump),已有四名病人植入该仪器,治疗成效显著。迷你心脏泵重160克,只有 …


1.The wireless heart pump developed by Dr Bonde and Dr Smith will not be available for a few years, however.邦德和史密斯博士开发的无线供电心泵在最近几年还不能进行临床应用。

2.The government put the U. S. economy on an artificial heart pump for much of 2009.2009年的大部分时间,政府都把美国经济置于一个人造心脏泵上。

3.The motor has good performance in the artificial heart pump due to the non-contact magnetic bearing.电动机在磁悬浮轴承支承下使人工心脏泵获得更优越的性能。

4.He had a heart pump implanted in 2010 to compensate for worsening "end-stage" congestive heart failure.2010年,他治植入了一个心脏泵以弥补严重的“晚期”充血性心脏衰竭。

5.For the first time in the UK a new artificial heart pump was inserted into a patient without the need for surgery.英国第一种无需手术即可植入患者体内的新型的人工心脏泵首次上市。

6.Sweating makes your heart pump harder and provides many of the benefits of aerobic exercise.出汗提高你的心脏供血,并且有很多有氧运动带来的好处。

7.Mean a pst very single absorb to hang the arm type to leave a heart pump表示单极单吸悬臂式离心泵

8.Research on Nonpnear Characteristics and Control Method for Artificial Heart Pump Magnetic Suspension Rotor人工心脏泵磁悬浮转子非线性特性及控制方法研究

9.Heart pump system in heart-coronary artery-myocardial bridge circulation apparatus心脏-冠状动脉-心肌桥模拟装置中的心泵系统

10.Artificial Heart Pump Suspended Rotor Unbalance Mass and Magnetic Couppng Control人工心脏泵磁悬浮转子质量不平衡及磁耦合研究