


美式发音: [ˈhɑrtˌbroʊkən] 英式发音: [ˈhɑː(r)tˌbrəʊkən]








1.极为悲伤的;心碎的extremely sad because of sth that has happened


adj.1.extremely sad and upset

1.断肠 断层〖 geologicalfault〗 断肠heartbroken〗 断代〖 divisionofhistoryintoperiods〗 ...

2.心碎 escape 逃脱 heartbroken 心碎 kills himself 杀死他自己 ...

3.心碎的 earthen 土制的, 陶制 heartbroken 悲伤的,心碎的 earn 赚(得), 挣得, 获得 ...

4.痛心 ... [be perfectly content;to one's heart content] 得意的样子 [heartbroken;distressed] 痛心;心情不愉快 厌恶 wu ...

5.伤心的 sorrowful 悲伤的,伤心的 heartbroken 悲伤的,伤心的 grieved 伤心的 ...

6.悲伤的 adams n. 亚当斯 heartbroken adj. 悲伤的 uptake n. 举起 ...

7.感到心碎的 ... 3. instructor n. 讲师;指导员 5. heartbroken a. 感到心碎的 6. piece n. 一支(乐曲),一篇(艺术作 …


1.We are extremely proud of this film and also extremely heartbroken to see it out there at this stage.我们非常自豪的这部电影,也非常伤心看见它泄漏在外面。

2.The only person she doesn't seem to be able to help is her heartbroken mother.她唯一帮不上忙的人就是她心碎的母亲。

3."E. T. " is about a heartbroken, divorce-crippled family, and ultimately, this kid who can't find his way.〈外星人〉是讲了一个心碎的,支离破碎的家庭,并且最终,这个孩子找不到他的路。

4.Witnessing the original flower-pke daughter become so abject, her mother was more than heartbroken.看着原本如花似玉的女儿变成半死不活的样子,母亲心痛不已。

5.When he was good for you, passed on to her person, you know how sad, heartbroken.当他把曾经对你的好,转嫁到她人身上时,你才感到何其的难过,心如刀割。

6.Ms Rowpng is in understandably bitter-sweet mood over the ending of her opus, claiming to feel simultaneously "heartbroken and euphoric" .罗琳对于自己作品的结局怀着苦涩与甜蜜参半的心情,我们可以理解。她声称自己同时觉得“心碎和欢欣”。

7.The two are heartbroken over their eternal separation, and the husband then holds a funeral for her as if she were a human being.两人对他们的永诀悲痛欲绝,后来丈夫为她举行了葬礼,就同她是一个人类一样。

8.Unfortunately, a few days later after this incident, the boy had an accident and was drowned. His heartbroken father wrote. . .不幸的是,这件事刚几天之后,小男孩就不幸溺水身亡。伤心欲绝的爸爸写道。

9.Is nothing but the word heartbroken.也不过是断肠二字。

10.She cried so bitterly and looked so forlorn and heartbroken and ashamed as she faltered out her woeful story.她断断续续地叙说着不幸的遭遇,哭得非常伤心,那样子极为孤独,悲伤而惭愧。