

heavenly body

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复数:heavenly bodies  



n.1.a star, planet, or moon

1.天体 what the stars will bring," from the phrase 短语 "heavenly body 天体, ↓ ine SERioza 严肃 ...

2.星球 王国 kingdom 星球 heavenly body 公司 corporation ...

3.星体 ... 物 体  , body 星 体  , heavenly body 液 体  , pquid ...

4.天听 ... 13 - Mountain Journey 翻山越岭 1’31 14 - Heavenly Body 天听 4’57 15 - Spicy Girls 谢幕-歌舞女郎 2’58 ...

5.天堂身材据作者Rikky Rooksby,歌曲的歌词不断被重复和空洞,围绕着听得见的星星,和天空上彷如拥有天堂身材(heavenly body)的男 …


1.The appearance and the measurements of a Buddha are perishable and a worldly conception: they describe the ideal picture of a Heavenly Body.佛陀的的外貌与尺寸是会腐朽的,有一种世间的观念:它们描绘了天体的理想图像。

2.Who sets those rules? -Just a kind of musical, heavenly body that you never really see.谁制定这些规定的?-你从未真实看到的音乐神圣机构。

3.Because of these two heavenly body not far from one another s, so the opportunity for meet very big.由于这两个天体相距不远,因此相遇的机会就很大。

4.It is nearer to us than any other heavenly body in space.它比任何其他在太空天体更接近我们。

5.At that hour of the morning, I could not take in the exact significance, if any, of a national heavenly body.一个国家的国产天体,如果有什么确切含义的话,在上午的那一刻,我还无法领悟。

6.Do you know the name of this star, this heavenly body?你知道这颗星星,这个天体叫什么吗?

7.The heavenly body movement track's size and the time logarithmic spiral relations, are our universe space and time structure.天体运行轨道的大小和时间的对数螺线关系,就是我们这个宇宙的时空结构。

8.What is worth mentioning, the astronaut may through the porthole on looking heavenly body change, look out the blue color the Earth.值得一提的是,航天员可以通过舷窗观看天体变化,遥望蓝色的地球。

9.Magnetism hole, magnetism tie and the black mole are the universe heavenly body embryos.磁孔、磁结及黑子是宇宙天体的胚胎。

10.the descent of a heavenly body below the horizon.天体降落于地平面以下。