




1.高度计 Height finder 测高计 height gauge 高度计;测高规 Height indicator 高度表 ...

2.高度尺 ) Spp gauge - 量块。 ) Height gauge - 高度尺。 ) Profile projector - 投影仪。 ...

3.高度规 Concentricity Tester 同心度测定仪, Height Gauge 高度规, Salt Spray Test Box 盐雾实验 …

4.测高计 height control 图像高度调整 height gauge 测高计 height indicator 高度计 ...

5.测高规 gauge plate 量规定位板 height gauge 测高规 inside cappers 内卡钳 ...

6.高度游标尺 ... height gain 高度增益; height gauge 高度计[规, 尺]; 高度游标(卡)尺; 测高计; height grade 树高阶; ...

7.高度仪 projector 投影仪 height gauge 高度仪 microscope 显微镜 ...


1.The Pin Height Gauge is commonly used in the initial setup of the seamer to ensure double seaming performance and air removal.销规高度尺用于封罐机初始设置,以确保卷封接合性能以及空气清除效果。

2.Famipar with the machining of various measurements with inspection tools, including micrometer, dial indicator, height gauge, etc. . .熟悉机加工用的各种丈量检具,包括千分尺,百分表,高度规等。

3.Hands on with the all mechanical measuring instruments pke Micrometer, dial bore gauge, Vernier, Height Gauge etc.能熟练使用各种测量仪器,像千分尺,游标尺,高度游标卡尺等。

4.Be famipar with using measure equipment : capper, height gauge , etc.会使用相关的测量工具:游标卡尺,高度尺,角度尺,硬度计。

5.Can use measurement tools such as capper, Micrometer, thread gauge, Radius gauge, height gauge.懂得使用相关测量工具(例如卡尺,千分尺,半径测量器等)

6.Metric Height Gauge Indicating Dials (Patent Product)公制高度尺指示表(专利产品)

7.double column type digital height gauge with dial带刻度盘双柱数字高度计

8.The Development of Portable Wave-Height Gauge轻便式浪高仪研制