




1.海基芬兰当地的朋友海基Heikki)给我们亲手示范,他拎着水桶,走出桑拿间,去淋浴房拎回半桶水,往桑拿房中间一个大锅炉中 …

2.贺基西人学员贺基Heikki)说, 现在是总统大选,街上有很多人在发候选人的传单。人们一开始都以为我们发的也是那样的传单…

3.黑基维克‧ 胡勒斯迪於2005年去世,享年80岁。他的儿子黑基Heikki)继承了他的事业。


1.After faipng to emerge from the fight for the bottom five grid positions in quapfying, Heikki Kovalainen said traffic was not to blame.失败后的斗争中出现的底部五发车位置的排位赛,科瓦莱宁说,交通是不能责怪。

2.The McLarens also did not shine, and Heikki Kovalainen - perhaps with a gearbox problem - was faster only than Force India's Adrian Sutil.迈凯轮也没有服务,和科瓦莱宁-也许与变速箱的问题-是不是武力只能更快印度的阿德里安苏蒂尔。

3.Heikki, some people have been saying that you're stepping straight into Alonso's shoes, that's pretty heavy for you, isn't it?问:海基,一些人说过你刚好是开了阿隆索的车,那对你而言相当沉重,不是吗?

4.Heikki can you remember what he said after you beat him (karting) at Bercy?问:海基,你能记得在你在贝西打败他时,他说了些什么吗?

5.Q: Rubens, you were behind Heikki Kovalainen in the first stint but got ahead at the first stop.问:鲁本斯,在第一次停站前还落后科瓦莱宁。但你凭借第一次进站超过了他。

6.A lot of us want to see Heikki get some good results this year and that will ensure that he will remain with us.我们更希望能够在本赛季看到科瓦莱宁更多更好的成绩,这将确保他继续和我们在一起。

7.Hamilton's teammate Heikki Kovalainen quapfied fifth, but set the fastest time of all in the session on low fuel.汉密尔顿的队友科瓦莱宁合格的五分之一,但是创造了最快的时间都在会议上低油耗。

8.Heikki Kovalainen will race for Renault next year, with Ricardo Zonta and Nelson Piquet Jr joining the team as test drivers.海基-科瓦莱宁明年将开始为雷诺车队征战赛场,里卡多-宗塔和小纳尔逊-皮奎特则是成为了车队的测试车手。

9.Renault's current test driver Heikki Kovalainen is another Finn waiting in the wings.雷诺车队现任测试车手哈基-科瓦莱宁是另一位在后面等待的芬兰人。

10.Q: Heikki, some people are saying your role in McLaren is a support role for Lewis Hamilton.海基,一些人说你在迈凯轮车队的角色是为了辅佐刘易斯。汉密尔顿的。