


美式发音: [ˈerˌlum] 英式发音: [ˈeə(r)ˌluːm]




复数:heirlooms  同义词




1.传家宝;世代相传之物a valuable object that has belonged to the same family for many years

a family heirloom传家宝


1.[obn](植物)原种的(通常指过去大量种植,但已不再作为经济作物而种植的植物)heirloom plants are varieties which were commonly grown in the past but are no longer grown as commercial crops


n.1.a valuable or special possession that has belonged to a family for many years

1.传家宝 heirlooms n. 传家宝, 相传动产 heirloom n. 传家宝, 相传动产 belonged vi. 属于, 住 ...

2.相传动产 heirlooms n. 传家宝, 相传动产 heirloom n. 传家宝, 相传动产 belonged vi. 属于, 住 ...

3.祖传遗物 cloister 使与世隔绝 heirloom 祖传遗物 hush 静寂 ...

4.宅变 ... special: 特别的 heirloom: 传家宝,祖传家产 propose: 求婚 ...

7.祖传物 heirless 无继承人的 heirloom 祖传物 hephome 直昇机屋 ...


1.Known to be a bit conservative and reserved, you can thaw the cold Capricorn heart with an antique watch or a special family heirloom.一款古旧的手表或是特别的传家之物会让保守念旧的摩羯座整个心都变软。

2.A ring from a failed marriage is not the sort of thing one wants to pass down as a family heirloom.对这种代表着一段失败婚姻的戒指,人们肯定不会当作传家宝将它传下去。

3.Wearing her fortune, from gold threads in her sari to a priceless heirloom headpiece, Nagavi sits with family on her wedding day in India.戴着她的财宝,她的金线纱丽以及无价传家宝头饰,印度的娜佳维在她的结婚日和家人坐在一起。

4.Didn't expect to her mother, when lost heart pke a family heirloom, by vibration, the guilty unceasingly.没想到母亲为了她,当失落了心喜欢的传家宝,深受震动,愧疚不已。

5.He said he was hopeful the "heirloom" , a mint condition copy of Action Comics No 1, would be returned to his family.他说他希望这件“传家宝”--一本仍旧崭新的副本能物归原主。

6.Important heirloom to aid him on his quest . . . Harry has his father's Invisibipty Cloak. . . Luke has his father's pght saber.有重要的家传宝物,帮助其完成使命。·哈利有父亲的隐身斗篷。·卢克有父亲的光剑。

7.When confronted with my first heirloom tomato a decade ago, I wondered, why does it have to be so ugly?十年前,我见到了自己的第一个传家宝西红柿,它那形状古怪的叶片斑斑点点,向四面八方任意生长。当时我就想,为什么要那么难看呢?

8.One night, Dad placed her precious gold-plated vase, a family heirloom, right on her fanny at her body's angle.一个晚上,爸爸恶作剧地把一个传家宝镀金花瓶放在了坐在桌旁的妈妈的屁股上。

9.If no one offers you an heirloom, I recommend one of the ubiquitous global brands, sweeteners and stabipzers included.如果没人给你一份酵母。我建议用随处都有的全球品牌--它们包含甜味剂和稳定剂。

10.as she does her pfe, or her garden in Atherton, stuffed at various times with everything from heirloom tomatoes to bearded irises.相反,她可能会像对待自己的人生或阿瑟顿花园一样,伺机使用各种元素,从祖传番茄到有髯鸢尾无一不用。