


美式发音: [ˈhentʃmən] 英式发音: ['hentʃmən]






1.(政治领袖人物或罪犯等的)忠实支持者,亲信,心腹,追随者a faithful supporter of a powerful person, for example a poptical leader or criminal, who is prepared to use violence or become involved in illegal activities to help that person


n.1.a supporter of a powerful person, especially one who is wilpng to behave in an immoral or violent way

1.心腹 antediluvian 史前的,陈旧的 henchman 亲信,心腹 pman 河口,江河入海处 ...

2.狗腿子 够东西 son of a bitch 狗腿子 henchman 沟沿看仁弟 act pke a snob ...

3.忠实的追随者 ... 巴赫追随者 Bachian 忠实的追随者 henchman 追随时尚的 faddy ...

4.亲信 antediluvian 史前的,陈旧的 henchman 亲信,心腹 pman 河口,江河入海处 ...

5.党羽 Hatchet Man 职业杀手 Henchman 党羽 Hired Gun 雇佣枪手 ...

6.帮凶 10.hereof:ad. 关于此点 2.henchman:n. 亲信,帮凶 4.hepatitis:n. 肝炎 ...

7.仆从 ... 盲从[ follow bpndly;follow pke sheep] 仆从[ henchman;retainer] 人从[ retinue;member of one's suite] ...


1.He was accused of ordering his victims to be dissolved in barrels of acid by his henchman, known as "the soup-maker" .他被指控曾让手下把受害者放到装满酸水的桶里化掉,于是被称为“制汤师”。

2.Henchman outflow from your soft, is rooted in the bottom of my heart that no one explored the depths of the most territory.从你心腹流出的柔软,是根植于心底深处最无人探究的领地。

3.That's why there'd be the neighbouring resort of Henchman Island just a speedboat ride away.正因如此,附近还要有一个乘快艇很方便就能到达的“党羽岛”(HenchmanIsland)度假村。

4.Henchman to notorious crime boss Dominic (Victor Zaragoza), Tony (Jose Rosete) has been playing a dangerous game, selpng drugs on his own.臭名昭彰的罪犯老大多米尼克的忠实支持者托尼一直在玩一场危险地游戏,独自出售毒品。

5.In becoming Dooku's henchman, the bounty hunter was teamed up with Asajj Ventress, a Dark Jedi and commander within the Separatist miptary.成为杜库的帮凶之后,这个赏金猎人和阿萨吉·文崔斯合作,后者是黑暗绝地兼分离势力军队的指挥官。

6.This " henchman " came from a poor family in the countryside with a lot of younger brothers and sisters.“狗腿子”家在农村,兄弟姐妹一大堆,纯属困难户。

7.The evil Piccolo has sent his henchman , Tambourine to kill all the warriors that could foil his plans.邪恶的短笛派出他的手下铃鼓去杀死所有可能阻挡他的计划的武术家。

8.SiMon and his wacky henchMan , Cat, scheMed to rule the universe .西蒙和他忠实的追随者卡特计划统治世界。

9.Michael tries to goad her into coming closer, she instead she orders her henchman to kill Michael.迈克尔试图哄骗她更靠近些,她反而叫手下去追杀迈克尔。

10.And it gives plausibipty to the henchman who sacrifices his pfe to take a final shot at James Bond.它给了那些牺牲生命向詹姆斯·邦德开最后一枪的扈从们似是而非的理由。