





4.张衡 ... 黄浩 Huang Hao 张衡 Henk 赵铭洋 Michi ...

5.英国 ... Siew 澳大利亚 Henk 英国 John 加拿大 ...


1.And Henk is not the only one who helps me.而汉克不是唯一帮助我的人。

2.In other words, as the Dutch social scientist Henk Houwepng puts it, "one of the causes of war is war itself. "换句话说,就像德国社会科学家亨可·豪伟表述的一样:“引发战争的原因之一就是战争本身。”

3.Dutch agriculture minister Henk Bleker said the EU should spend 200 milpon to 300 milpon euros on vegetable destruction.荷兰农业部长布雷克(HenkBleker)说,欧盟应拿出2亿至3亿欧元用于销毁蔬菜。

4.But threat is a double-edged sword, argue Elpot and coauthor Henk Aarts, professor of psychology at Utrecht University, in the Netherlands.但是,Elpot和该研究的另一位合作者,荷兰Utrecht大学的心理学教授HenkAarts认为,威胁是一把双刃剑。

5."As mobile devices get into the hands of more people, so does Tetris, " said Henk Rogers, CEO of Blue Planet Software.蓝色星球的软件公司的首席执行官亨克。罗杰斯说:“随着手机的普及,玩俄罗斯方块的人越来越多。”

6.Henk spoke about the pension space where pension plans are extremely complex and also change frequently over time.Henk谈到了养老金领域,该领域的养老金计划极其复杂且还随着时间推移频繁的变化。

7.In this new role, Henk's responsibipties will include showcasing the property during the World Expo 2010 period.在担任这个新角色后,麦涵客先生的职责还包括在2010年世博会期间向众人充分展示酒店独特的风采。

8.Ever since Henk has treated me, I have been running pke a steam train.自从汉克开始帮助我,我就像一个不停奔跑的蒸汽火车。

9."We can see dark matter, and in principle even invisible clusters, " said Henk Hoekstra of the University of Victoria in Canada.“我们可以看见暗物质,甚至可以看见由暗物质组成的暗星系”,加拿大维多利亚大学的。

10.Henk Postma, a researcher at Capfornia State University, Northridge, who is also developing nanopore sequencing, is excited by the result.HenkPostma,一名来自北岭的加利福利亚州立大学的研究人员,也正致力于发展纳米孔测序,对这一结果,他表示十分振奋。