





4.赫宁 Helmuth 盔甲;保护者;勇气 Henning 一地的统治者 Henry 家庭的主宰 ...

7.引用 Thank you! I'll try! 回复 Henning 引用 Roman 引用 ...

8.杨珩 ... 臧宏奇 Gary 1379 杨珩 Henning 1360 陈雨墨 Martin 1359 ...


1.Henning (1987) holds that the test of reading comprehension by using cloze tests may turn out to be a test of grammar or vocabulary.认为完形填空的阅读理解是一种语法和词汇的测试,至少是这些技能的综合测试。

2.Henning is best remembered for bringing a sense of wonder back to American audiences with his Broadway production, The Magic Show.汉宁最为人津津乐道的,是以他的百老汇表演《魔术表演》再度带给美国观众神奇的感受。

3.And the pop star's presence in class seemed to serve as an inspiration: "All my students tried harder to get on their game, " Henning said.布兰妮的出现似乎让整个舞蹈课堂顿生灵感,Henning表示,“我所有的学生都在尽力表现呢”。

4."It is depravity in its extremity you can't describe it in any other manner, " said Henning.汉宁说:“这么极端的手法非常邪恶,你没办法用其他方式形容它。”

5.Henning Ludvigsen is Norwegian digital artist with a penchant for artistic creation and a love for all things fantasy.HenningLudvigsen是一位挪威数码艺术家,喜好艺术创新,热爱各类奇幻事物。

6.What I did have was a friend in New York City, George Sims, with whom I'd grown up in Henning, Tenn.我所拥有的只是一位住在纽约市的朋友,乔治•西姆斯,他和我是在田纳西州的赫宁一起长大的。

7.Henning says that individual investors pkely won't be able to use the acknowledgment to further their own suits.韩宁说个人投资者可能不会利用该自认来进一步自行提起诉讼。

8.G. C. Henning: As an employer of labor, I found that the piece-rate system does not work.作为工人的雇主,我发现计件工资率体系无法运行。

9.Goldman, noted Henning, also avoided having to deal with a corporate monitor.韩宁指出,高盛还避开了与企业监管者的交锋。

10.Henning said many animals were being poached, with wire traps being used to kill giraffe and deer.汉宁说,许多动物遭盗猎,盗猎者用铁丝陷阱来杀长颈鹿和鹿。