

Henry III

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1.亨利三世 意大利 艺术家苏利曼 Suleiman 1495-1556 土耳其 国王埃尔 格列科 1540-1614 西班牙 画家亨利三世 Henry III 1551-1589 ...

3.亨利第三国维在英国史方面犯下的错误,则有下面这一段:“英王亨利第三Henry III)素以嗜杀称,其初婚所生之女主美利(Queen M…


1.This was created by Henry III in answer to a promise in Magna Carta (1215) to have a fixed place for the settlement of 'common pleas'.这是亨利三世为兑现《大宪章》(1215)中的设立一个固定处理“普通诉讼”场所的允诺而建立的。

2.Prince Edward, son of Henry III, rose up to defend the crown and the monarchy.爱德华王子,亨利三世的儿子,活跃起来并保卫王座和君主政治。

3.Henry III had no choice but to sign the provisions, but it is doubtful whether he ever had any intention of honouring his promises.亨利三世不得不签署了这些条款,但他是否有任何履行承诺的意思还是值得怀疑的。

4.Even those barons who had fought against Simon de Montfort had no intention of allowing Henry III to resume his autocratic ways.即使是那些曾经敌对孟福尔的王爵也不愿意让亨利三世恢复原来的独裁行径。

5.Bush was descended through Johns son King Henry III, making him Queen Epzabeth's thirteenth cousin.老布什是约翰王的儿子亨利三世的后裔,算得上是伊丽莎白女王的第13个堂兄弟。

6.The reign of Henry III, Simon large. become the actual rulers.亨利三世统治时期,以大封建主西门。

7.In 1242, making use of the French barons ' mutiny, King Henry III of England invaded France.在1242年,利用法国贵族的叛变,英格兰王亨利三世入侵法国。

8.The largest college, Trinity, was founded by King Henry III in 1546.最大的学院—三位一体学院则是由国王亨利三世在1546年建立的。

9.Robert figured as Henry III in the pageant.罗伯特在这场露天历史剧中扮演亨利三世。

10.Under Edward I, Henry III's son, Wales was conquered and came under the Engpsh Crown.在亨利三世的儿子爱德华一世的统治下,征服了威尔士。