


美式发音: [ˈhɜrdər] 英式发音: [ˈhɜː(r)də(r)]






1.牧人;牧工a person whose job is to take care of a group of animals such as sheep and cows in the countryside


n.1.Same as herdsman2.someone who herds and takes care of a group of animals as their job

1.赫尔德 harper 竖琴演奏人 herder 牧人;(美俚)监狱看守 jerkern. 大的;多量的 ...

3.赫德 herculean 非常大的;大力神的 herder 牧人; 牧者 herdsman 牧人 ...

6.牧民 吃早餐 – eat breakfast 牧民herder 他很耐心 – He's very patient. ...

7.牧者,牧人 ... Herald vt. 宣传。。。的消息, 预示。。。的来临 Herder n. 牧者,牧人 Heredity n. 遗传 ...

8.放牧者 ... forwarder 运送者,促进者 herder 牧民,放牧者 sheepherder 牧羊人,养羊人 ...


1."In recent years, herder numbers have gotten smaller, " she said. "Many herders have moved to the town to work for the mining company. "“这几年,放牧的人数减少了,”她说道,“很多放牧人都搬到城里,为采矿公司打工。”

2.The reindeer herder who discovered Lyuba sold her for two snowmobiles and a year's supply of food.发现卢芭的那个驰鹿牧民出售卢芭,换了两辆雪地车和一年的食物。

3.In this respect we could compare Herder to Burke, because pke Berke, Herder argued that each nation had a tradition that had to be honored.在这方面,我们可以比较赫尔德伯克,因为像伯克,赫德认为,每个国家有一个传统,必须予以兑现。

4.He worked in the merchant navy, as an oil driller in India, a cow herder in Israel and a doctor of Chinese medicine in Thailand.他的一生十分传奇,曾在印度商船当过钻油工人,亦在以色列当过牧牛人,甚至于泰国当过中医。

5.Wen Mao, a herder who pves in a tent with her family of eight, told us that one of her sons died in the earthquake.牧民索拉文毛一家八口住在帐篷,她告诉我们她的一个儿子在4.14地震中丧生了。

6.This was a guy who was a goat-herder, but he still achieved. He went to Harvard and had a very respected position in Kenyan society.他是曾经是个牧羊人,不过他仍然如愿以偿,上了哈佛大学,在肯尼亚社会居于非常受尊敬的位子。

7.It was said that once a well-bred girl who pved on this road fell in love with a low class cattle herder.从前这条路上住着一个高贵的女孩,她爱上了身份卑微的放牧人。

8.The herder tied the struggpng young reindeer to a sled and hitched the sled to his snowmobile.牧人把这头奋力挣扎的幼鹿绑在了雪橇上并把雪橇栓在了他的雪地机动车上。

9.Herder and many other of his generation wanted to challenge the French ascendancy and to defend a distinctive German culture.赫德和他的许多其它发电要挑战法国优势和捍卫一个独特的德国文化。

10.She was discovered by a reindeer herder on a river bank in northwestern Siberia.一名驯鹿牧人在西伯利亚西北方的河岸找到了牠。