




1.赫礼欧去欧洲考察。与法国里昂市长赫礼欧(herriot),里昂大学医学院院长雷宾(lepine)等,合作设立里昂中法大学协会,决定在里昂 …

2.赫里欧s Argyris)、莱文森(Levinson)、赫瑞特Herriot)等人。

5.海利特17 /49 1960年12月,贝尔实验室贾范(Javan)、海利特 (Herriot)、贝纳特(Bennett)等人制成世界 第一台氦氖激光器。 18 /49 196…

6.哈雷特1996年,哈雷特(Herriot)等人的研究也指出,交易型契约的违背导致明确的谈判、对自己投入的调整或终止工作。当关系型契约 …


1.After Herriot graduated from high school, he made up his mind to be a vet.詹姆斯。赫里奥特中学毕业后,一心想当兽医。

2.After Herriot graduated from high school, he made up his mind to be a vet, especially for dogs.赫瑞尔高中毕业后,决定做一个兽医,尤其为狗治病。

3.Through his stories Herriot shares the challenges of his job as well as the fulfillment and joy he gains while working with the animals.通过这些故事,哈利分享了他在工作中遇到的挑战,以及在与动物相处过程中得到的快乐和成就感。

4.James Herriot, a country veterinarian in England, has been a very popular writer in the England-speaking world.詹姆斯·赫里奥特,英国的乡村兽医,在英语为母语的国度里很受欢迎的作家。

5.them. Herriot started treating the dogs. At first other vets laughed at him, be.它们。赫里奥特开始给狗治病。起初其他的兽医嘲笑他。

6.job in Yorkshire, England. It was a beautiful part of England. Herriot loved.约克郡找了份工作。这是英格兰非常美丽的一个地区。赫里奥特深爱。

7.Mrs. Ainsworth's voice seemed to come from afar. "Is she ill, Mr. Herriot? "安斯沃思太太的说话声像是从远处传来。“赫里奥特先生,它病了吗?”

8.Later in his pfe, James Herriot wrote a lot about his experience as a country vet in Yorkshine, England.在赫瑞尔的晚年,他根据在英国约克郡当乡村兽医时的经验写下许多著作。

9.However, the owners of the dogs were very glad that Herriot would help their pets.然而,赫里奥特帮助他们的宠物,这使狗的主人非常高兴。

10.James Herriot was a famous doctor for animals. He was born in Scotland in 1915.詹姆斯。赫里奥特是英国一位著名的兽医。他出生于1915年。