


美式发音: [ˈhezɪˌteɪt] 英式发音: [ˈhezɪteɪt]



第三人称单数:hesitates  现在分词:hesitating  过去式:hesitated  搭配同义词

v.+n.hesitate moment




1.[i][t](对某事)犹豫,迟疑不决to be slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain or nervous

She hesitated before replying.她犹豫了一下才回答。

I didn't hesitate for a moment about taking the job.我毫不犹豫地接受了那份工作。

‘I'm not sure,’ she hesitated.“我不确定。”她犹豫不决地说。

2.[i]~ to do sth顾虑;疑虑to be worried about doing sth, especially because you are not sure that it is right or appropriate

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries.如果有疑问就请尽管和我联系。


v.1.to pause before doing something, or to do something very slowly, usually because you are nervous, embarrassed, or worried

1.犹豫 regret 抱歉,遗憾 hesitate 犹豫 profess 表明 ...

2.踌躇 inherent a 天赋的,生来的 hesitate v 踌躇,犹豫 hereditary a 承袭的,世袭的,遗传的 ...

3.迟疑 (6) 索取[ ask for] (8) 迟疑;观望[ hesitate] (10) 应该;必然[ should;ought to;inevitable] ...

4.犹豫,踌躇 herself pron. 她自己;她亲自 hesitate vi. 犹豫,踌躇;含糊 hi ini. 嗨(表示问候等) ...

5.不愿 heritage --n. 遗产,继承权,传统 hesitate --v. 犹豫,踌躇,不愿 hierarchy --n. 层次,层级 ...

6.犹豫不决 〖heartbroken;distressed〗 痛心;心情不愉快 〖hesitate犹豫不决 〖think;consider〗 思量,考 …

7.含糊 herself pron. 她自己;她亲自 hesitate vi. 犹豫,踌躇;含糊 hi ini. 嗨(表示问候等) ...

8.迟疑不决 judgment n. 判断,看法 hesitate vi. 犹豫,迟疑不决 hesitation n. 犹豫,踌躇 ...


1.i ' m always here to help ! do not hesitate to ask questions.我都会在此帮助您!有问题请多问,请别客气。

2.You've been a real pfesaver. Thanks. And don't hesitate to ask me for a favor if you ever need it.你真是我的救星。谢谢。有用得着我的时候请尽管开口。

3.Regardless of where you visit in the United States, do not hesitate to ask for information about buses and bus fares .不管你到美国哪里去观光,都可向人询问有关公共汽车和车费的事。

4.Chinese officials do not hesitate to trumpet the point as they rejoice in the shift in the balance of economic power to Asia.中国官员们毫不迟疑地大肆宣扬这一点——值此之际,经济力量的平衡转向亚洲,令他们欣喜不已。

5.If he found that he would not hesitate to stop, henceforth abandon the wandering soul and thinking stray.如果他找到了,他会毫不犹豫地停下来,从此放弃心灵的漂泊和思想的流浪。

6.we often work in the field . if our phone cannot be reached , please do not hesitate to leave a message or contact us by email.由于我们经常于野外工作,如电话未能接通,请留言或以电邮联络,我们将会尽快回覆。

7.She didn't hesitate for a moment but came straight out with her reply.她没有迟疑,痛快地答覆了。

8.And he would never hesitate to travel the distance across the floor to take the hand of a child who was sick.他从来都毫不迟疑地走上前去拉住患病儿童的手。

9.To carry out my duties, I think I'll do my best. If it's in an emergency, I won't hesitate to work all night or on hopdays.为了执行我的职责,我会全力以赴。假如情况紧急,即使熬夜或假日加班我都不会迟疑。

10.If you should encounter any inconveniences, please do not hesitate to let me know, and I'll be very glad to help you out.您若有不便之处,请随时直言相告,我将很乐意为您排忧解难。