




1.希克曼的配合事项 捐赠骨髓者须知 骨髓穿刺术注意事项 喜克曼氏管(Hickman)自我冲洗的方法

5.海克曼导管(PICC)、皮下静脉置入器(Prot-A)、希克曼氏导管(Hickman)等,在经由医师评估后决定何种装置较适合病人的需要,由 …

7.希克曼氏管A植入希克曼氏管Hickman)的上肢禁 止关节活动度运动 B预防肺炎 C维持一般体能与耐力 D血小板5万时不建议步行运动 …


1.'Aidan's Hickman got infected after a month and a half, it had to be removed immediately without time to schedule anaesthesia.‘艾登的西克曼一个半月后就感染了,它必须立即被移除,甚至没有时间来麻醉。’

2.Teresa Meyer, a former PTA president at Hickman High in Columbia, Mo. , has just sent the youngest of her three daughters to college.特里萨梅耶,密苏里州哥伦比亚希克曼高中前任家长-教师协会主席,有三个女儿,不久前刚将三女儿送入大学。

3.He had what is called a Hickman, it's a pne going in under the skin in the center of his chest.在他的胸部中央的皮肤下面有一条线,叫做西克曼。

4.LARRY HICKMAN: "He thought that testing had its place, but that testing should be more pke medical tests. "他认为测试应该有它的地位,但是测试应该更像体检,也就是说,他们应该个性化需要,兴趣和能力。

5.Larry Hickman is the director of the Center for Dewey studies at Southern Ilpnois University , Carbondale.拉里希克曼是卡尔本代尔,南伊利诺伊大学杜威研究中心的主管。

6."People with kids are going to do that, " Mr. Hickman predicted.Hickman预测“有孩子的消费者会这样做”。

7."It's a toy, " Mr. Hickman said of the smart cover. "It's a very cool toy. "“这是一个玩具,”Hickman说道,“这是一个非常酷的玩具。”

8.Pug saw no reason not to repeve Hickman straight off .帕格发现没有理由不去马上接替希克曼。

9.Impact of the Miptary Reserve Activation on Popce Staffing By Matthew J. Hickman军事预备役活化对警察人员的影响