




1.希格斯空场中交互作用产生」,并推测另有一个看不见的粒子「希格子 (Higgs)」,全球约卅国、数千名科学家,已投资一个名为「 …

5.西格斯粒子、 τ 粒子微中子等 6 种轻子(Lepton)、希格斯子 (Higgs), 以及基本粒子间交换规范粒子 (Gauge particles) 时呈现的电磁力、 …


1.So far, the proton-proton colpsions have been designed to generate energies that might produce exotic phenomena pke the Higgs boson.到目前为止,质子与质子间的对撞已被计划用来产生可能导致神奇如希格斯玻色子的现象的能量。

2.Higgs was one of the original proposers of the mechanism that predicted such a boson back in 1964.希格斯玻是首先提供这种机制的科学家之一,早在1964年就预言存在这样的玻色子。

3.The credit controversy was re-ignited by an advertisement for the "Higgs Hunting" meeting that took place in Orsay, France, last week.这个奖项的争论被上周在法国奥赛举行的一个”捕猎希格斯粒子“会议的广告重新激起。

4.Higgs bosons, if they exist, do not last long enough to show up directly in the subatomic debris of these colpsions.希格斯玻色子即使存在,其存在的时间也不够长,不足以直接出现在这些碰撞产生的亚原子碎片中。

5.It may be just as well, because the LHC is not the only smasher looking for hints of the Higgs.不只如此,因为大型强子对撞机不是寻找西格雷粒子踪影的唯一对撞机。

6.The Higgs, though a boson (meaning it has a particular sort of value of a quantum-mechanical property known as spin), is not a gauge boson.对于希格斯粒子来说,尽管这种玻色子不是规范玻色子(称它为玻色子是因为它有部分重要的量子力学特殊属性,比如自旋)

7.The Higgs should occasionally decay into a pair of photons, which would produce a bump in the photon-pair energy distribution.偶尔,玻色子会衰变为一对光子,光子纠缠对能量分布不均可能产生效应。

8.The CMS experiment is one of two geared for a variety of tasks, including finding the elusive Higgs boson.CMS的实验是二分之一的各种任务,包括寻找希格斯玻色子的难以捉摸的面向。

9.But although the discovery of the Higgs by Christmas is possible, it is by no means assured.虽然到圣诞节前后发现希格斯粒子是可能的,但是,这丝毫不能被保证。

10.Punzi said the particles behave differently than the Higgs boson, which would be decaying into heavy quarks, or particles.Punzi说这些粒子不同希格斯玻色子,例如它们将衰变成重夸克,或者粒子。