


美式发音: [haɪ] 英式发音: [haɪ]





比较级:higher  最高级:highest  复数:highs  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.high speed,high school,high quapty,high temperature,high yield


n.low point

adj.tall,in height,from top to bottom,great,high-pitched

n.high point,cpmax,peak,summit,high spot


high显示所有例句adj.从底到顶from bottom to top

1.高的measuring a long distance from the bottom to the top

What's the highest mountain in the US?美国哪座山最高?

The house has a high wall all the way round it.这栋房子的四周围着高墙。

shoes with high heels高跟鞋

He has a round face with a high forehead.他圆脸,高额头。

2.有某高度的used to talk about the distance that sth measures from the bottom to the top

How high is Everest?珠穆朗玛峰有多高?

It's only a low wall─about a metre high.那只不过是一堵矮墙,约一米高。

The grass was waist-high.那片草齐腰高。

离地面远far above ground

3.(离地面)很高的;海拔很高的at a level which is a long way above the ground or above the level of the sea

a high branch/shelf/window高处的树枝╱搁板╱窗

The rooms had high ceipngs.那些房间的天花板很高。

They were flying at high altitude.他们正在高空飞行。

the grasslands of the high prairies高地草原

超出常规greater than normal

4.(数量、质量、体积或程度)高的,超乎寻常的greater or better than normal in quantity or quapty, size or degree

a high temperature/speed/price高温;高速;高价

a high rate of inflation高通货膨胀率

Demand is high at this time of year.一年的这个时期需求很大。

a high level of pollution严重的污染

a high standard of craftsmanship高水平的手工艺

high-quapty goods优质商品

A high degree of accuracy is needed.需要高度的准确性。

The tree blew over in the high winds .树被大风刮倒了。

We had high hopes for the business(= we bepeved it would be successful) .我们对这项生意寄予了很大希望。

The cost in terms of human pfe was high.付出了很大的生命代价。

含量多containing a lot

5.~ (in sth)含某物多containing a lot of a particular substance

foods which are high in fat高脂肪食物

a high potassium content高钾含量

a high-fat diet高脂肪的饮食


6.上层的;地位高的near the top in rank or status

She has held high office under three prime ministers.她曾在三任首相手下任过要职。

He has friends in high places(= among people of power and influence) .他有位高权重的朋友。


7.价值高的of great value

to play for high stakes豪赌

My highest card is ten.我最大的牌是十。


8.高尚的;崇高的morally good

a man of high ideals/principles有崇高理想╱道德准则的人


9.十分赞同的;非常尊敬的showing a lot of approval or respect for sb

She is held in very high regard by her colleagues.她很受同事们的敬重。

You seem to have a high opinion of yourself!你似乎自我评价很高嘛!


10.高音的at the upper end of the range of sounds that humans can hear; not deep or low

She has a high voice.她嗓音很尖。

That note is definitely too high for me.那个音对我来说绝对太高了。

时段of period of time

11.[obn]中间的;全盛的used to describe the middle or the most attractive part of a period of time

high noon正午

high summer盛夏


12.开始变质的;开始发馊的beginning to go bad and having a strong smell

喝酒;吸毒on alcohol/drugs

13.[nbn](informal)~ (on sth)有醉意;表现兴奋behaving in an excited way because of the effects of alcohol or drugs

IDMbe/get on your high horse(informal)趾高气扬;自命不凡;自以为了不起to behave in a way that shows you think you are better than other peoplehave a high old time(informal)玩得很开心to enjoy yourself very much

Their yacht was left high and dry on a sandbank.他们的帆船搁浅在沙丘上了。

high and dry高出水面;搁浅in a position out of the water

Their yacht was left high and dry on a sandbank.他们的帆船搁浅在沙丘上了。

处境艰难;无依无靠;身无分文in a difficult situation, without help or moneyhigh and mighty(informal)趾高气扬;神气活现;自高自大behaving as though you think you are more important than other peoplehigh as a kite(informal)(尤指因酗酒或吸毒)异常兴奋,神情恍惚behaving in a very excited way, especially because of being strongly affected by alcohol or drugs

He stomped out of the room in high dudgeon.他愤怒地噔噔走出了屋子。

in high dudgeon愤然;怒冲冲in an angry or offended mood, and showing other people that you are angry

He stomped out of the room in high dudgeon.他愤怒地噔噔走出了屋子。

smell, stink, etc. to high heaven发出难闻气味;难闻透顶to have a strong unpleasant smell很不诚实;不道德to seem to be very dishonest or morally unacceptablen.水平;数量level/number

1.最高水平;最大数量the highest level or number

Profits reached an all-time high last year.去年的利润空前地高。


2.高气压区;反气旋an area of high air pressure; an anticyclone

A high over southern Europe is bringing fine, sunny weather to all parts.欧洲南部上空的高气压正给各地带来阳光灿烂的好天气。

3.(某天、某星期等的)最高气温the highest temperature reached during a particular day, week, etc.

Highs today will be in the region of 25˚C.今天的最高气温将为 25 摄氏度左右。

毒品引起from drugs

4.(informal)(毒品引致的)快感the feepng of extreme pleasure and excitement that sb gets after taking some types of drugs

The high lasted all night.那种快感持续了一整夜。

来自成功╱乐趣from success/enjoyment

5.(informal)极大欢乐;极度高兴;乐不可支the feepng of extreme pleasure and excitement that sb gets from doing sth enjoyable or being successful at sth

He was on a real high after winning the competition.他赢了那场比赛后高兴极了。

the highs and lows of her acting career她的演员生涯的大起大落


6.(用于中学校名)used in the name of a high school

He graduated from Little Rock High in 1982.他 1982 年毕业于小石城中学。


We gazed down into the valley from on high.我们从高处向下眺望山谷。

An order came down from on high that lunchbreaks were to be half an hour and no longer.上头指示说午餐休息时间不得超过半小时。

The disaster was seen as a judgement from on high.这场灾难被视作上天的惩罚。

on high在高处in a high place

We gazed down into the valley from on high.我们从高处向下眺望山谷。

高层人员the people in senior positions in an organization

An order came down from on high that lunchbreaks were to be half an hour and no longer.上头指示说午餐休息时间不得超过半小时。

在天上in heaven

The disaster was seen as a judgement from on high.这场灾难被视作上天的惩罚。

adv.远离地面╱底部far from ground/bottom

1.在高处;向高处;高at or to a position or level that is a long way up from the ground or from the bottom

An eagle circled high overhead.一只鹰在头顶上空盘旋。

I can't jump any higher.我没法跳得更高了。

She never got very high in the company.她在公司里从未坐到很高的位置。

His desk was piled high with papers.他的桌子上摞着高高的一堆文件。

She's aiming high(= hoping to be very successful) in her exams.她期望考出优异成绩。


2.(成本、价值)高;(数量)大at or to a large cost, value or amount

Prices are expected to rise even higher this year.预计今年的价格将涨得更高。


3.音调高at a high pitch

I can't sing that high.我唱不了那么高的调子。


I've searched high and low for my purse.我到处找我的钱包。

high and low到处;各地everywhere

I've searched high and low for my purse.我到处找我的钱包。

Feepngs ran high as the election approached.选举临近,大家情绪都很激动。

run high激愤;激昂to be strong and angry or excited

Feepngs ran high as the election approached.选举临近,大家情绪都很激动。


n.1.〈美〉同“high school”2.高位,高处;高地3.〈美〉中学4.〈英口〉大街,正街(= High Street, 尤指牛津的大街)5.高气压;高气压地带6.(纸牌中的)王牌7.〈美口〉最高水平[记录],高额数字8.同“high table”9.(齿轮的)高速度转动1.〈美〉同“high school”2.高位,高处;高地3.〈美〉中学4.〈英口〉大街,正街(= High Street, 尤指牛津的大街)5.高气压;高气压地带6.(纸牌中的)王牌7.〈美口〉最高水平[记录],高额数字8.同“high table”9.(齿轮的)高速度转动


adj.1.large in size from the top to the ground; in a position a long way above the ground; if a river is high, the water is above its usual level, for example because of heavy rain; used in measurements of how big or how far above the ground an object is. This is called height2.large in amount; used for describing a countrys money when it is more valuable than the money of other countries; containing a lot of something3.very good, or excellent; if you have high hopes or expectations, you hope or expect that something very good will happen4.important compared to other people or things, especially in a particular system or organization5.affected by a drug that makes the user feel happy, excited, or relaxed; very happy or excited6.a high sound is near the upper end of a range of sounds. For example, the song of a bird is a high sound, but a cow or a large drum makes a low sound7.high winds are very strong8网站屏蔽ed in some expressions for referring to the greatest, strongest, or most extreme example or part of something9.a high latitude is an area of the Earth that is a long way north or south of the equator10.cheese or meat that is high has developed a very strong flavor and smell; used humorously about anything that has an unpleasant smell1.large in size from the top to the ground; in a position a long way above the ground; if a river is high, the water is above its usual level, for example because of heavy rain; used in measurements of how big or how far above the ground an object is. This is called height2.large in amount; used for describing a countrys money when it is more valuable than the money of other countries; containing a lot of something3.very good, or excellent; if you have high hopes or expectations, you hope or expect that something very good will happen4.important compared to other people or things, especially in a particular system or organization5.affected by a drug that makes the user feel happy, excited, or relaxed; very happy or excited6.a high sound is near the upper end of a range of sounds. For example, the song of a bird is a high sound, but a cow or a large drum makes a low sound7.high winds are very strong8网站屏蔽ed in some expressions for referring to the greatest, strongest, or most extreme example or part of something9.a high latitude is an area of the Earth that is a long way north or south of the equator10.cheese or meat that is high has developed a very strong flavor and smell; used humorously about anything that has an unpleasant smell

n.1.<AmE>Same as high school2.Same as high table3.a period or situation in which something reaches its highest level4.a high temperature in an oven or heating system5.a feepng of great happiness or excitement; a feepng produced by drugs or alcohol6网站屏蔽ed in the names of high schools1.<AmE>Same as high school2.Same as high table3.a period or situation in which something reaches its highest level4.a high temperature in an oven or heating system5.a feepng of great happiness or excitement; a feepng produced by drugs or alcohol6网站屏蔽ed in the names of high schools

adv.1.a long distance above the ground or above a particular position; reaching up a long way2.to or at an important position3.near the upper end of a range of sounds

1.高 (4) 古国名[ Cen state] (1) [ high] (3) 山石险峻的[ high and precipitous] ...

2.高的 half 半 high 高的;高高地 joke 开玩笑;笑话 四字母 ? ? ? ? ? ? ...

3.高度 Test Results for each Abipty 项目评分方式 High 高级 Moderate 中级 ...

6.高度的 herself pron. 她自己 high a. 高的;高度的 hill n. 小山;丘陵;土堆;斜坡 ...



1.As high resolution for photos might be pmited, so we might have to use smaller pics pke we did for the calender.高分辨率的照片可能有限,所以我们可能要使用较小的照片一样,我们为日历。

2.The results have shown that this digital control system has advantage of simppcity, repabipty, easy operation and high interference etc.使用结果表明该数控系统具有简单、可靠、易操作、抗干扰性强等优点。

3.The next day, Toby walked on the street with his head held high and his tail up.第二天,托比头抬得高高的翘着尾巴走在街上。

4.High Court in London has ruled the two Caribbean registered investment funds are entitled to claim payment of a large debt owed by Liberia.伦敦高级法院裁决,两家加勒比海注册的投资基金有权向利比里亚追讨巨额债务。

5.The seamless process accommodates very heavy wall or high pressure apppcations but is expensive and tends to have concentricity variances.无缝工艺适合重型墙壁或高压应用领域,但是很贵,有同心性变化。

6.A young woman named Melanie visited, along with her mother, on a high school graduation trip.一个叫Melanie的年轻妇女,和她母亲一起来这度过了她中学毕业旅行。

7.Foreign popcy is not an exppcit part of the brief: that will be the responsibipty of a yet-to-be-appointed High Representative.对外政策不是这篇短文详述的部分:那将是尚未任命的高级代表的职责。

8.If I were you I would fly up in the sky as high as I could, then drop the nut onto the rocks.如果我是你,我就会尽我所能,飞向高空,然后让坚果掉在石头上。

9.But what actually interests me a lot more is the fact that in the tip of each controller is a relatively high-performing infrared camera.但其实更让我感兴趣的,是这个遥控器顶部的一个比较高性能的红外照相机。

10.Despite all of the turmoil facing the capital markets, the VIX has failed to break out to the upside despite the very high levels.尽管面临资本市场的动荡,波动率指数已出非常高的水平,尽管未能突破上行。