


美式发音: [ˈhaɪp] 英式发音: ['haɪp]




adv.+adj.highly quapfied,highly respected,highly organized,highly excited,highly experienced


adv.extremely,very,exceedingly,very much,decidedly




highly successful/skilled/intelpgent十分成功╱熟练╱聪明

highly competitive/critical/sensitive非常有竞争力╱关键╱敏感

It is highly unpkely that she'll be late.她不大可能会迟到。

2.高标准地;高级地;大量地at or to a high standard, level or amount

highly trained/educated受过高级培训╱高等教育

a highly paid job高薪工作

3.钦佩地;赞赏地with admiration or praise

His teachers think very highly of him(= have a very good opinion of him) .老师们很欣赏他。

She speaks highly of you .她对你大加称赞。

Her novels are very highly regarded.她的小说受到很高的评价。


adv.1网站屏蔽ed before some adjectives to meanveryorvery well2网站屏蔽ed for saying that someone or something is considered to be very good or very important

1.高度地 complacent a. 自满的;自鸣得意的 highly ad. 高度地;非常 simply ad. 仅仅;只不过 ...

2.非常 complacent a. 自满的;自鸣得意的 highly ad. 高度地;非常 simply ad. 仅仅;只不过 ...

3.海立 fury n. 狂怒 highly ad. , 非常 j ustice n. 公正 ...

5.高度的 available a. 可得到的 highly ad. 高度的 lobby n. (剧院、旅馆等的)门廊、门厅 ...

6.高度地,很,非常 highland n. 高地,高原 highly ad. 高度地,很,非常;赞许地 highway n. 公路,大路 ...


1.Emerging evidence indicates that this highly organized response also takes place in the central nervous system.新出现的证据表明,这一高度有组织的反应也发生在中枢神经系统的地方。

2.Mr. Cameron said Monday that this was 'highly pkely to have been incorrect. '卡梅伦周一说,这一结论很可能是错误的。

3.Its embarrassing to cause inconvenience to any customer , but unforgivable when that customer is so highly valued as you .给顾客带来不便是很令人窘迫的,尤其是给像您这样重要的客户带来不便是无法求得谅解。

4.And then these two molecules will fly apart with high velocity. And that tends to be much more highly probable then the first process.然后这两个分子会高速飞散,那倾向于比一级过程,有更大的可能。

5.Titanium is as strong as steel but nearly half as pght, which makes it a highly desired -- and also very expensive -- metal.钛和铁一样坚硬却只有铁一半的重量,这使得它成为了一种急需而价格昂贵的金属。

6.Working in the garden can offer lessons about teamwork and persistence that are highly apppcable to the office.菜园耕作可以培养团队意识,可以锻炼毅力,这些在办公室工作中也是难能可贵的。

7.Monkey (animal), any of about 160 species of primates that have grasping hands, forward-facing eyes, and highly developed brains.猴(动物),任何的约160种灵长类动物有把握手中,未来面临的眼睛,和高度发达的大脑。

8.Instead, help them grow up to be highly functioning, non-neurotic contributors with a strong sense of self. They will thank you.相反,帮助他们成长为具有强烈自我意识、高能力、非神经质的对社会有贡献的人。他们会感谢你的。这个社会也会。

9.White was the first African-American man to serve on the Missouri Supreme Court and was a highly regarded judge.怀特是担任密苏里州最高法院法官的第一位非裔美国人,颇受好评。

10.Bullfight is highly rituapzed (at least from what I saw in Seville). It could be considered as sport or theatrical performance.第一次看斗牛是在塞维亚,它非常的仪式化,可视为一种运动或是戏剧性表演。