


美式发音: [ˈhɪp] 英式发音: ['hɪp]



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Adj.+n.hilly region





1.多小山的;多丘陵的having a lot of hills

a hilly area/region丘陵地区


adj.1.a hilly area has a lot of hills

1.多小山的 butcher vt. 屠宰 n.屠夫 hilly a. 多小山的;丘陵的 mountainous a. 多山的 ...

2.喜利 butcher vt. 屠宰 n.屠夫 hilly a. 多小山的;丘陵的 mountainous a. 多山的 ...

4.多山的 Dock 码头 Hilly 多山的 Raft 木筏 ...

5.多小山的,多坡的 2008新托福考试: TOEFL 3 Hilly adj. 多小山的,多坡的 Hinder vt. 阻碍,妨碍 ...

6.小山起伏的 mountainous 多山的 hilly 小山起伏的 hemisphere 半球 ...

7.山坡 (英)中小学校长 headmistress n. (小山)山腰,山坡 hilly a. (饥)饿的 hunt vt…


1.as for roads building in mountainous and hilly country , blast technique is often used to accomppsh the trench excavation of roads.对于跨越山区和丘陵的地段,需要采用爆破技术手段来完成公路路堑的开挖。

2.Situated at the top of a hilly landscape, the hotel's rooftop deck provides panoramic views of the city and the sea in all directions.坐落在一个丘陵景观的顶部的旅店的屋顶甲板上,可以看到四面的城市和大海美景。

3.The land of the Northeast is hilly and rocky. Much of it is still covered by heavy forests.东北部的土地丘陵起伏,岩石耸立,大部分仍为茂密的森林。

4.She invited the children of Washington to roll hard-boiled eggs down the hilly lawn of the new Capitol building!她邀请华盛顿的孩子到新国会大厦的小山坡草坪上进行“滚蛋”比赛。

5.We left the docks on a beautiful afternoon. The sun was shining brightly as we sailed downstream through a hilly region.在一个美丽的午后,我们离开码头。当我们顺流而下穿过山区的时候,阳光很灿烂。

6.Sunday afternoon he felt normal enough to run the Stanford Dish, a hilly loop near the university.星期天下午,他感到自己身体恢复正常,可以到斯坦福大学附近的环山路StanfordDish跑步。

7.The hilly, winding roads are a lot of fun, but with all the wildpfe in this area, you've got to keep your eyes open.这条高低起伏、蜿蜒而行的公路充满了乐趣。但是这个地区有野生动物,你还是眼睛紧盯着路面吧。

8.Green, hilly, with countless trees, it was a beautiful country, the Virginia-Kentucky border area-or would have been, except for the mines.一片翠绿,丘陵起伏,林木茂盛,弗吉尼亚州和肯特基州接界的地区是一片美丽的山野-----要不是有煤矿的话。

9.Looking back on it today, I can see that I'd always felt a twinge of fear when driving over small bridges and along hilly highways.今天回想起来,其实我每逢开车过小桥、走山路时都提心吊胆。

10.TV footage showed at least three carriages overturned along a hilly gradient, and rescue workers tending to victims.电视画面显示,至少有三节车厢在陡峭的山坡一侧翻车,救援人员正在照顾伤者。