




1.后腿 前腿 fore leg 后腿 hind leg 猪蹄 pettitoes ...

2.后肢 198.右前肢: right fore 199.后肢hind leg 200.左后肢: left fore ...

3.冻后腿 ... Leg press 腿部推蹬机 ; 倒蹬 ; 哈克机倒深蹲 ; 腿推举 hind leg 后腿 ; 后肢 ; 后足 ; 冻后腿 human leg 腿 ...

4.后足 hindgut 后肠 hind leg 后足 hive 蜂箱 ...

5.足骨 ... Cannon bone: 跖骨. Hind leg: 足骨. Belly: 腹部. ...


1.When you have got an elephant by the hind leg, and he is trying to run away, it's best to let him run.如果你抓了一头大象的后退,而他又想逃跑,那最好就让它跑掉。

2.When the fore leg and the hind leg on the same side move almost on the same beat, the walk tends to become an almost lateral movement.当同侧的前肢和后肢几乎同时动作时,慢步会倾向于几乎是同侧运动。

3.A visible characteristic is a more pronounced articulation of the hind leg, in a continuous rather than staccato action.其明显的特点是后肢在连续动作时比不连贯动作时有更显著的声音。

4.The 8-year-old family pet had been lying injured in a bush for 2 days with a hind leg broken in 8 places after she was run over by a car.这只8岁大的家猫遭遇了车祸,后腿8处骨折,在灌木丛里躺了两天后才被发现,当时已奄奄一息。

5.The researchers tested the spheres in rats with a cut in the femoral artery, the large vessel that carries blood into the hind leg.研究人员将这种球粒在股动脉有切口的老鼠中进行试验。老鼠的股动脉是一根粗血管,负责把血液输送到后腿。

6.The trot is a two beat pace of alternate diagonal legs (left fore and right hind leg and vice versa) separated by a moment of suspension.快步是马匹斜对角两肢(左前肢和右后肢,反之也一样)一起轮流动作的两节拍步伐,每一步之间有腾空的瞬间。

7.The posterior portion of a side of beef , lamb , veal , or mutton, including a hind leg and one or two ribs .后腿肉供食用的牛、小牛、羊或羔羊的一侧后半身,包括一条腿和一些排骨。

8.Heraldry Rearing on the left hind leg with the forelegs elevated, the right above the left, and usually with the head in profile.用左后腿站立,前腿抬起,右前腿高于左前腿的,通常头部呈侧面。

9.In a proper depiction the hind leg would be forward too, having moved before the foreleg.正确的姿势应是,右后腿早应向前迈,并且应该在跨出前腿之前就迈出后腿。

10.Perform a turn on the hindquarters to the right, causing your horse to pivot on his right hind leg.完成一个向右的后肢定点旋转,使你的马把重心放在他的右后腿上。