





4.硬磁远远高于其他三个季节;不同季节风向与风速变化很大,硬磁(HIRM )、硬磁百分比(Hard%)两个参数与月平均风谏成正比。


1.If you re strong enough, you just do that. Whatever comes your way, you take care of it the best you can. Then the rest is up to Hirm.如果你够坚强,你就可以选择这种方式,任何来到你面前的事,你就尽力做好它,其馀的就交给上帝安排。

2.You make Hirm grow; you reapze how much power Hes has, and then you make use of It for the benefit of yourself and humankind.你们也会了悟到祂的力量有多么大,然后善加运用,利益自己和人类。

3.Since there was only one family, it was very simple for Hirm to handle.只有一个家庭而已,很简单处理嘛!

4.It is just pke God assigned women to bear children; God also assigned a certain way to have communication with Hirm.这就像上帝指定妇女生小孩一样,上帝也指定某种方法可以与祂沟通。

5.Whether you praise Hirm or curse Hirm, its all the same because Hes is just non-responsive.不管你赞美祂或咒骂祂,都没什么两样,因为祂根本没有任何回应。

6.The second kind of person recognizes God and pkes to work for Hirm. Whatever he does, he does for God.第二种人,因为他认得出来上帝,所以他喜欢替上帝工作,做什么事都是为了上帝。

7.Hes gave them food to eat for forty years and gradually taught them to have faith in Hirm.那么有耐心,四十年都给他们东西吃,然后慢慢教他们信任上帝。

8.Otherwise, as God is omnipresent and great, how could we catch Hirm and talk to Hirm.不然上帝无所不在,祂很伟大,我们怎么抓得到祂,怎么跟祂谈话呢?

9.It would be best if we offer everything to God. The more we offer Hirm, the more we will have.我们把任何东西供养上帝是最好,我们越供养祂,我们越会有更多的东西。

10.I have difficulty attending to worldly matters, because my mind is fully occupied by thoughts of God. I only have Hirm and You on my mind.我无法分心将注意力放在俗事上,因为脑子里都是想着上帝,我只想到祂与您。