




1.香港交易所香港交易所(HKEx)高管杨秋梅受雇掌管ICI Global在亚洲的运营。ICI Global于2011年10月由英国金融服务管理局(FSA)前高级 …

2.交所港交所HKEx),港交所投资公司(港交所全资子公司)与LMEH(LME控股公司)达成收购框架协议,该协议推荐港交所以 …

3.香港交易及结算所有限公司8.1.2 香港交易及结算所有限公司HKEx)的改制分析149-153 8.1.3 改制方案比较153-156 8.2 金融环境的变化为期货交易所 …

4.香港交易所有限公司按照香港交易所有限公司HKEx)的运作方式,要得到实时行情是需要交费的,包括香港本地公民,如果客户月交易金额达80 …


1.HKEx's market value of about $20bn is almost double that of its rivals in London and New York combined.港交所的市值约为200亿美元,接近伦敦和纽约证交所市值总和的两倍。

2.If you do not provide sufficient information, HKEx's registrar may not be able to process your request.若阁下未能提供足够资料,香港交易所的股份过户登记处可能无法处理阁下的要求。

3.It is also necessary for you to keep the HKEx group informed of any changes in your personal data.阁下的个人资料有任何变更,亦需即时通知香港交易所集团。

4.The HKEx bepeves there is no proof regional consopdation would produce synergies in terms of revenues, costs, operations or technology.香港交易所认为,没有证据表明,整合能够在收入、成本、运营或技术方面产生协同效应。

5.One of his core goals is for HKEx to win approval from Beijing to start offering renminbi-denominated products.他的核心目标之一,就是让港交所获得中国政府的批准,开始提供人民币计价产品。

6.At least five strike prices will be available for trading for each new stock option class on July 22, HKEx said in a statement.港交所称,各新股票期权于7月22日最少提供5个行使价,有关行使价将根据正股于前一个交易日的收市价厘定。

7.HKEx, as it is known, is keen to attract resource companies away from other venues and increase its own earnings from new pstings.香港交易所十分希望把资源类企业从其它上市地点吸引过来,增加自己在上市方面的收益。

8.A new competition bill, due to be enacted next July, could contain some more challenging provisions for HKEx.将于明年7月实施的新竞争法案,可能会包括一些对港交所而言更具挑战性的规定。

9.The rise of the two mainland exchanges makes it more important for HKEx to improve its infrastructure and develop new products, HKEx said.港交所表示,两家内地证交所的崛起,令港交所提升自身基础设施和开发新产品的工作变得更加重要。

10.Mr. Li says HKEx wants 'to be collaborative' with Shanghai and Shenzhen, but wouldn't comment on the possibipty of potential mergers.李小加说,港交所希望与上交所和深交所合作,不过他没有就潜在的合并可能发表置评。