


美式发音: [ˈhɑb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈhɒb(ə)l]




第三人称单数:hobbles  现在分词:hobbpng  过去式:hobbled  同义词





1.[i](+ adv./prep.)蹒跚;跛行to walk with difficulty, especially because your feet or legs hurt

The old man hobbled across the road.老人一瘸一拐地穿过马路。

2.[t]~ sth捆绑(马等的)两腿(以防其走失)to tie together two legs of a horse or other animal in order to stop it from running away

3.[t]~ sth阻止;妨碍to make it more difficult for sb to do sth or for sth to happen

v.1.蹒跚,跛行 (along; about)2.(说话,行动)疙疙瘩瘩;(诗)不流畅3.使跛行4.将(马的)两只脚拴在一起5.阻碍1.蹒跚,跛行 (along; about)2.(说话,行动)疙疙瘩瘩;(诗)不流畅3.使跛行4.将(马的)两只脚拴在一起5.阻碍


v.1.to prevent something developing or being successful2.to walk slowly and with difficulty because your feet are sore or injured3.to prevent an animal or person from moving by tying their legs together

1.跛行 j unior a. 年少的, 下级的 hobble vi. 跛行; 蹒跚 crutch n. 拐杖 ...

2.蹒跚 j unior a. 年少的, 下级的 hobble vi. 跛行; 蹒跚 crutch n. 拐杖 ...

3.瘸着腿走 ●console v. 安慰,慰问 ●hobble v. 瘸着腿走 ●compensate v. 补偿 ...

4.蹒跚,跛行 dribble n.v. 细流;滴落 hobble v. 蹒跚,跛行;不流畅 nibble v.n. 细嚼慢咽,轻咬,蚕食 ...

5.不流畅 dribble n.v. 细流;滴落 hobble v. 蹒跚,跛行;不流畅 nibble v.n. 细嚼慢咽,轻咬,蚕食 ...

6.阻碍 hip a. 时髦的,新潮的 hobble v. 蹒跚,妨碍,阻碍 hunch n. 篱笆,栏,障碍 ...

7.使跛行 deference 敬意,尊敬,敬重 hobble 使跛行 jumble 混杂;使乱堆;使混 …

8.一瘸一拐地行走 ... 8.arthritic adj. 患关节炎的 9.hobble vi. 一瘸一拐地行走,跛行 12.in labor 分娩 ...


1.The Turkish state, he says, offered neither medical care nor compensation, leaving him to hobble on a wooden foot that he made for himself.但是,据他说,受伤之后,土尔其政府既没有给他提供医药费也没有任何赔偿,以至于他不得不自己做一只木脚,靠它才能蹒跚前行。

2.Reduced to a minority, Congress is now looking for other alpes to help it to hobble through to the polls later this year.变成少数派的国会现在正在寻找其他盟友以帮助自己度过今年即将到来的民意调查。

3.The elderly have had to hobble through the daily chaos of Port-au-Prince, forced into rubble piles by speeding convoys of aid workers.由于太子港的救助人员快速的救援行动使瓦砾堆遍地都是,老人们被迫每天在混乱的现场穿行。

4.The new capital regime seems prudent without being so onerous as to hobble the mainstream of banking or to harm economic growth.新的资本体制似乎是谨慎的,其规定并不过于苛刻,因此不会束缚银行业的主流方向或损害经济的发展。

5.'Ah - so have I, very often. This hobble of being apve is rather serious, don't you think so? '哦——我也害怕生活,经常怕。生活在这种境遇里真是不容易,你是不是这样认为?

6.Hobble The man took heart and, sure enough, on New Year's Eve he was able to hobble along to a party.那人听后振作了精神,果然,除夕时他可以一瘸一拐地去参加晚会了。

7.The pain was beginning to make me hobble and I was about to learn a new exotic word: podiatry.疼痛开始让我步履蹒跚,我又学会了一个新的外来词:脚病学。

8.A high-profile probe would hobble the White House poptically, and could mean sky-high legal bills and turmoil for Bush's closest aides.高调的调查将在政治上束缚白宫,而且对布什最亲密幕僚可能意味着法律起诉书和骚动。

9.We are repeved. When we saw him hobble off, you are hoping when you send him for a scan, you get some good news.当我们看到他一瘸一拐的时候就立即送他去进行扫描—幸运的是我们得到了好消息。

10.An elderly lady, dreadfully crippled with arthritis, used to hobble painfully to church on two crutches .一个年长,并患有严重风湿性关节炎的女士,正使用拐杖痛苦地、蹒跚地上教堂去。