


美式发音: ['hoʊgən] 英式发音: ['həʊgən]






n.1.a traditional Navajo dwelpng made of logs and mud, with a roof of earth

1.霍根 Hobart 霍伯特 德国 心中的光亮 Hogan 霍根 爱尔兰 永远年轻的 Horace 哈瑞斯 拉丁 老师 ...

2.霍亘 ... 10. GUCCI( 古琦) 11. HOGAN( 霍亘) 12. I PINCO PALLINO( 艾苹科派里诺) ...

3.泥盖木屋 HARAJUKU 原宿 HOGAN 泥盖木屋 Hermes 爱马仕 ...

4.荷根 Hobart 霍伯特 德国 心中的光亮 Hogan 霍根 爱尔兰 永远年轻的 Horace 哈瑞斯 拉丁 老师 ...

6.永远年轻的 Hobart 德国 心中的光亮 Hogan 爱尔兰 永远年轻的 Horace 拉丁 老师 ...



1.To better illustrate all this , Hogan put me in his address position and then in his position at the top of his backswing.为了更好地展示这一点,侯根让我采取他的站位姿势,并且像他那样上挥杆到顶。

2.By running the right knee at the ball, Hogan was able to generate terrific speed in his lower body.向着球位快速地移动右膝关节,使得侯根的下盘可以极快地移动。

3.As well as the operational challenges of his new role, Mr Hogan-Howe takes it on knowing that he was by no means everyone's first choice.霍根-豪先生知道他决不是每个人的第一选择,他也了解自己的新角色具体操作起来有什么挑战。

4.A genial business studies graduate from humble origins (his father drove a crane), Mr Hogan says he had no burning desire to leave GE.霍根出身贫寒(他父亲是一名起重机驾驶员),他性情温和,大学时念的是商业。霍根表示,当时他并不急于离开通用电气。

5."Or, to put it another way, a holographic universe is blurry, " says Hogan.“或者,换句话说,全息宇宙是模糊的。”霍根说。

6.'It's not that the pressure is going to get to me. But I'd pke the story to end well, ' says Mr. Hogan, now 29.现年29岁的霍根说,这种压力倒不会把我压倒,但是我希望这个故事有一个圆满的结局。

7.On the downswing, Hogan's first movement was to push the knee inward to the left and toward the ball.在下挥杆时,侯根的第一个动作就是向内向左推动右膝关节到球的位置。

8.The blog's editor, Jason Chen, described how the phone was found by a source, now known to be Mr. Hogan, at a Redwood City bar last month.博客编辑JasonChen在文中介绍了该样机如何于上月在雷德伍德市一家酒吧被发现,现在已证实发现者正是霍根。

9.When Hogan first reapsed this, he wondered if any experiment might be able to detect the holographic blurriness of space-time.当霍根第一次意识到这一点时,他急欲知道是否有实验能够探测时空的全息模糊度。

10.Mr Hogan-Howe subsequently served as one of Her Majesty's chief inspectors of constabulary, an epte group of overseers.随后霍根-豪先生担任了女王的警察队的一名首席检察官(这是检查员中的精英)。