





1.紧紧抓住 hold on 握住不放;等一会 hold onto 紧紧抓住 hold out 伸出;坚持;不屈服 ...

2.坚持 hold back 隐瞒,强忍住,阻止 + hold onto sth. 紧紧抓住,坚持 hold up 延误,耽搁(交通) ...

3.保住 11. fasting 禁食,斋戒 12. hold onto 抓紧,保住 13. personnel management system 人事管理制度 ...

4.抓紧 11. fasting 禁食,斋戒 12. hold onto 抓紧,保住 13. personnel management system 人事管理制度 ...

5.束缚住 ... wait around 呆呆地等,空等 hold onto 拉住,束缚住 hold your breath 抱希望;屏住呼吸 ...

6.尽力保住 Pitch tent: 扎营 -hold onto sth.: 力图保持,尽力保住 -sylph: 窈窕淑女 ...

7.不放手 ... hold together 连在一起 团结一致 hold onto 抓住 坚持 固定住 不放手 不出售 by hand 手工 用手做成 ...


1.How much we needed some pttle bit of faith to hold onto.我们多么需要一点信心信念坚持住

2.Such a large moon would also be able to hold onto a thick atmosphere, making it a prime spot for pfe.这样的一颗大恒星也将可能会环绕一层厚厚作为生命的最初条件的大气层。

3.The idea here is that the ball acts as an "anti-paddle" forcing you to use your forearms instead of your hands to hold onto water.这个想法是球充当了“反桨”的角色,强迫你用你的前臂而不是你的手来抓抱水。

4.A few of the men hold onto their composure by gripping armrests and clenching teeth, but their fear was written all over them.只有几个男人通过抓住椅子把手咬紧牙关保持住镇静,但是他们的恐惧都写在他们脸上。

5.Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it.一旦事情被放入那个盒子,不要着急去解决。

6.Dodd-Frank could have been worse for JPM, which will, for instance, be able to hold onto its sizeable private-equity investments.多德-弗兰克法案对大摩的影响比预期的要好,它庞大的私募股权投资业务将得到保全。

7.My mum wanted to chuck it out but after pleading with her I managed to persuade her to hold onto it until I had the space for it.我妈妈本来想扔掉的,我求她留着然后在我有地方放它以后送给我。

8.Each LEGO brick must have that perfect grasp -- strong enough to hold onto another brick but easy enough for a child to pull apart.每一块乐高砖必须拥有那种完美的控制——相互拼插在一起的时候足够牢固同时又很容易被孩子们拆开。

9.A cluster of tea sellers in one of Juba's main markets voiced the desire of many to hold onto the geographical reference as well.一些在朱巴主要集市的茶商聚集处,许多人呼吁名字还应保留“南部”的地理特征。

10.It is reported that around twenty of the passengers were able to hold onto the front part of the boat.据报道,其中二十多名乘客可握住船体前部。