




1.喂 34. 剥皮行者 Skinwalkers 35. Holla 36. 柳暗花明 Away from Her ...

2.喂叫声 hopstic 整体的 holla 喂叫声 Holland 荷兰 ...

3.荷兰 ... 越南 VIET 荷兰 HOLLA 美东 U.S.A ...

4.高帮鞋 Aape 卫衣 | HOLLA 高帮鞋 | PLAY 卫衣/绒衫 | ...

5.我是不是天才 ... why we gotta 何必想这想那想太多 holla~ 我是不是天才 whut~whut~ 不错不错不错不错 ...

6.哈拉 Chemistry 化学超男子 《HOLLA哈拉》 《Rock.Super.Hot 电.棒.烫》 ...

7.凯莉 贝巴 Beba 凯莉 Holla 瑚玛娜 Humana ...


1.You need a sugar daddy, I'm the mack. And if you need a dollar, holla , 'cause I got a whole stack.你需要大款,而我是大众情人。如果你需要钱,哈哈,因为我有一大堆。

2.Everywhere I go niggaz holla at me, "Keep it real G"我彻头彻尾当了,黑鬼们向我打招呼说:“保持做一个真正的匪徒”

3.Know you, love you, judge you, the only oracle sees the truth, holla.了解你,爱死你,评价你,唯一看清真相的智者,哈哈。

4.I'm out, yell. My sked is crazy, but I'll holla at ya later.唔呼,就到这里吧,我的日程表太疯狂了,但是过会我还是会联系你们哒。

5.who the fuck is garbage? nigga, now who fuck ya holla at?谁他妈的是垃圾?你在朝谁叫?

6.I'm bout my money you see, girl you can holla at me瞧,我很在乎我的钱,妞儿,你可以对我百依百顺

7.Please come holla at me whenever the time iz就请随时前来找我

8.If I were you, I'd tell your homies I holla如果我是你,我会告诉你的兄弟,我霍拉

9.It'll be a crime, if I didn't holla如果我没有大叫事情就会失控

10.Holla if you feel pke you been down the same road呐喊吧如果你曾踏过这路途