




1.泓乐 辉瑞 Pfizer 泓乐 Holle 百立乐 Natrapure ...

2.弘乐 瑚玛娜 HUMANA 弘乐 HOLLE 雀巢 BEBA ...

3.凯莉 特福芬( topfer) 凯莉Holle) 可瑞康( Karicare) ...

4.泓乐奶粉 aptamil 爱他美奶粉 holle 泓乐奶粉 HIPP 喜宝奶粉 ...

5.你好 WHY WHY WHY 为什么爱会变成这样 holle 你好 what's happend 什么事 ...

6.好乐ucray)赫拉(HERA)韩律(Hannule)好乐(Holle)海伦皇后(Queen Helene)华伦美(VALESENCE)火烈鸟(FLAMINGO)黑龙堂(Hipitc…

7.霍莱 Aptamil 爱他美 Holle 泓乐凯莉 Milumil 米路米 ...


1.Holle, everyone! Nice to meet all of you. First please let me introduce myself to you.很高兴见到大家,首先让我来自我介绍一下。

2.It took Holle months to explain the need for a highly quapfied staff to make foreigners comfortable in the middle of the jungle.为此,赫勒用了几个月时间来解释高质量雇员的必要性,因为这可以让游客在丛林中感到舒适。

3."I'm [considered] kind of a wacko in Lima, " Holle admits with a shrug.“在利马,我被人当作一个古怪的家伙”,赫勒耸耸肩,对此表示承认。

4.One is dipgent, learning the lessons Frau Holle teaches well, and is showered with gold.一个是勤奋,学习的经验教训弗劳Holle教好,是沐浴黄金。

5."Consensus is more important [to the indigenous community] than making quick decisions, " Holle says.“与快速作出决断相比。与当地社区达成一致更加重要”,赫勒表示。

6.For someone who's changing the way business is done in the Amazon, Kurt Holle is remarkably low key.在那些正在改变亚马逊地区商业模式的人当中,库尔特·赫勒显得极为低调。

7.As Crone, Holle is viewed as the wise Queen of Winter.正如科融,Holle被认为是明智的女王的冬季。

8.holle apple. milk in he hometown still good morphine?你好苹果。牛奶在他乡还好玛?

9."There's always tension, " Holle says.“当时关系总是很紧张”,赫勒说。

10.Ron Holle says the best shelter is a car with metal top and sides or a typical house.朗·赫利认为,最安全的庇护所是顶部和侧面都是金属制造的汽车,或者是一栋结实的房子。