




1.动态心电图动态心电图HOLTER)200元+心率变异趋势图50元+电极膜27.9元+内科挂号费5元——合计282.90元B超单上的数据怀孕期 …

2.小时动态心电图手术前最常采用的是24小时动态心电图(holter),可以发现普通心电图难以发现的心律失常和无症状性心肌缺血.近年研究表明,手 …

3.动态心电图检查动态心电图检查Holter)适应症 动态心电图检查(Holter)主要适应症:(1)对各种心律失常的检出和诊断均有帮助。特别 …

4.小时心电图冠心病可能,去医院看看吧,做心电图,24小时心电图holter),负荷试验等差不多可以明确的。你的心脏停顿可能是心率不 …

5.动态心电分析系统  33 动态心电分析系统Holter) 美国BMS 世纪C3000 28 心律失常分析,增强ST段分析,心律变异分析,起博器分析,QT间 …



1.Holter monitor. This portable ECG device can be worn for a day or more to record your heart's activity as you go about your routine.动态心电图这是一种可随身携带的心电图,可以在你正常生活时连续记录下几天内心脏的电活动。

2.The analysis of the Holter-monitoring, blood pressure and the heart rate variabipty of the patients were performed during tilt.倾斜过程中动态监测心电图、血压和心率。进行心率变异性分析。

3.Objective To understand the cpnical value of Holter ECG monitoring diagnose SSS.目的为了明确动态心电图对病态窦房结综合征的诊断价值。

4.Conclusion Holter monitoring of silent myocardial ischemia monitoring has a very important cpnical significance.结论动态心电图对无痛性心肌缺血的监测有非常重要的临床意义。

5.Objective To transmit ECG signals through a portable dual-mcu ECG holter based dual-port RAM.目的:设计基于双端口RAM的双单片机便携式心电监护仪,解决心电监护数据传送的瓶颈问题。

6.Of note, Holter monitoring detected twice as many patients with QTc prolongations at noon compared with electrocardiogram.心动监测发现的QT间期延长的病人数目比普通心电图多1倍。

7.Conclusion: Holter is a repable method for diagnosing both transient and continuous myocardial ischemia.结论:动态心电图是诊断短暂或持续心肌缺血的可靠指征。

8.Some aspects of software and hardware technology related to the body temperature HOLTER are discussed emphatically.重点叙述了与体温HOLTER相关的硬件及软件方面的技术。

9.Holter monitor was negative for significant atrial or ventricular arrhythmias.心脏Holter动态监测没有发现显著的房性或室性心律紊乱。

10.Methods: Holter examination and ECG examination were used in 152 young patients with syncope.方法:在152例青年晕厥患者中,进行了动态心电图和心电图检查。