


美式发音: [ˈhoʊmˌkʌmɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈhəʊmˌkʌmɪŋ]



复数:homecomings  同义词反义词





1.[c][u](长时间离家后的)回家,返家,回国the act of returning to your home after being away for a long time

2.[c](一年一度的)校友返校活动a social event that takes place every year at a high school , college or university for people who used to be students there


n.1.a celebration once a year at schools and universities when alumnipeople who went to the school before return for parties and a football game. Many schools have a homecoming parade and elect a homecoming king and homecoming queen.2.an occasion when someone returns to a place where they used to pve, work, or study

1.回家 Apple 电脑开机声音 Homecoming 回家 Running 跑,逃 ...

2.归乡 "Cure" 治愈 "Homecoming" 归乡 "Fragile Balance" 脆弱的平衡 ...

3.笑着回家 ◎译 名 醒木 Wake Wood ◎译 名 笑着回家 Homecoming ◎字 幕 中文 DVDRIP-RMVB ...

4.似水流年 (难求)(无) 夜车 The Happenings (难求)(无) 似水流年 Homecoming (难求)(无) 滚滚红尘 …

5.返校节 间谍 Spies 归国 Homecoming 大都会 Metrópops ...

7.回乡之旅上一篇《《回乡之旅》(Homecoming)CHD联盟[720P]》下一篇《Various Artist -《如月天碟.之红粉佳人》(Velut Luna - Ladies)…


1.Mr. Obama is treating his return to Cooper Union as something of a triumphal homecoming, with a touch of 'I told you so' in the speech.奥巴马把自己重返库柏联盟学院当作是一次“凯旋式的故地重游”,演讲中有“我告诉过你”这样的意味。

2.So a repairing with Cody in an adult, sharp-witted story about a sort of homecoming sounds pke a top contender.因此,他再次同科蒂合作,讲述一个关于成年人回家的故事,充满机智趣味,该片似乎是个有力的竞争者。

3.There was a triumphant homecoming dinner. The artist rose from the table to drink a toast to his beloved brother for his years of sacrifice.艺术家从桌旁站了起来,为他值得敬佩的兄弟干了一杯,感谢他这几年所做的牺牲。

4.Do not be sad when death occurs, for it is such a happy transition and such a homecoming for that soul, under usual circumstances.当死亡发生的时候不要悲哀,因为它是这样快乐的转换和在通常的情况下灵魂这样回家。

5.Don't call it a homecoming, yet, but China's most wanted fugitive is apparently longing for a return to the motherland.暂时别叫它回老家,但中国政府最想缉拿归案的逃亡者显然渴望返回祖国。

6.For Riza, returning to the One Source was a homecoming indeed as she had been separated for so long.对于雷萨,回到离开如此之久的全一本源的确是回家。

7.It was my homecoming that had precipitated this thing, and I must face the facts and take what might be coming to me.是我回老家才引发这件事的。我必须面对事实,接受可能发生的事情。

8.Bartz grew up in a small town in Wisconsin, where she was a high-school homecoming queen.她在威斯康星州一个小镇长大,曾是当地一所高中的同学会女王。

9.What I'm trying to tell you, this is WAY more than a homecoming for me.我想告诉大家的是,来这儿对我的意义绝对不仅仅是重回旧地。

10."Well, honey, I kind of then invested in them for you. As a homecoming gift. " Charpe peeked sideways at me with a hopeful expression.“噢,宝贝,作为接待你回家的礼物,我实在已经算是买上去了。”查理满怀希望地从眼角偷偷瞥了我一眼。