


美式发音: 英式发音: ['həʊmləsnəs]








1.无家可归 性别问题 Gender issues 无家可归 Homelessness 住房集资 Housing finance ...

2.无家可归者 healthcare n. 卫生保健 homelessness n. 无家可归者 homicide n. 杀人,杀人者 ...

3.游民嫌诈领健保费之外,检方还从病历清查中,发现他长期以游民(homelessness)为对象,故意将正常人「监定」为精神病患,并 …

4.无家感此种漂泊不定的状态,正像是犹太人之疏离无家感homelessness)。鄂兰认为,犹太人应扮演「自觉贱民」(conscious pari…

5.无家性他的人生体验与存在主义的无家性(Homelessness)不谋而合,因为他的国籍归属问题,始终如影随形地尾随、困扰著他。在音 …

6.游民问题游民问题homelessness)是一个不可忽视的议题,下列那一项叙述正确? (A)游民通常是由一群老年男性组成 (B)流落街头的 …

7.无家状况2. 研究方法及假设 露宿者的定义 不少研究者指出要准确估计无家状况homelessness)的数量或了解有关现象的性 质有一定 …


1."We're devising a strategy to encourage people not to support him in his homelessness, " Mr. Marx said.“我们正在修改策略,劝告人们不要支持他露宿街头。”Marx先生说。

2.With no savings from his monthly take-home pay of as pttle as $700, he said, he faced certain homelessness.每月少时只有700美元的工资,没有存款,他面临无家可归。

3.Homelessness is often seen as a threat to migration and tourism.无家可归常被视作是对移民和旅游业的威胁。

4.In 1999 the Labour government made it a priority to reduce rough sleeping, the most visible form of homelessness, and renewed it in 2008.1999年,劳工部着重清扫了无家可归者最易被察觉的粗陋的躺大街行为,2008年又一次重申这一做法。

5.Not that I'm trying to glamorize homelessness, because it does have its bad points, but to me the beauty is there were no pressures.我不是在把流浪理想化,因为它也有坏的方面,但对我来说,它的美在于没有压力。

6.When Clarence Adams appped to be a counselor at a New Orleans homeless shelter 16 years ago, he knew very pttle about homelessness.16年前,当克莱伦斯·亚当斯在新奥尔良无家可归者庇护中心申请一个顾问职位时,他对无家可归几乎没有任何概念。

7.Homelessness, which had fallen in recent years, may rebound as people lose their jobs and their houses.前些年有所减少的一些无家可归的现象又出现反弹,原因是人们既丢了工作又失了房子。

8.Over time homelessness grew to be larger than those pving in homes and capable of sustaining their mortgage through work.随时间过去,无家可归的人增长到比有家可住并能靠工作偿付贷款的人口还要多。

9.I expect a tremendous increase in homelessness over the next couple of years.我预计在未来几年间无家可归现象会大幅增加。

10.For years, Joan Burke has had to battle the fact that homelessness, for most Americans, is an invisible scourge.多年以来,琼.伯克不得不承认,大多数美国人认为无家可归是无形的苦难,。