


美式发音: [ˌhoʊmoʊˈsekʃuəl] 英式发音: [ˌhəʊməʊˈsekʃuəl]







1.同性恋者(通常指男性)a person, usually a man, who is sexually attracted to people of the same sex

a practising homosexual有同性恋行为的人



adj.1.attracted sexually to people of the same sex. In ordinary speech, it is more usual to describe homosexual people as gay.

n.1.a person who is attracted sexually to people of the same sex. Homosexuals, especially men, are often called gays. Female homosexuals are often called lesbians.

1.同性恋 homogeneous 同类的;同族的 homosexual 同性恋的 homocentric 同中心的 ...

3.同性恋者 Polydipsia 剧渴 Homosexual 同性的 Heterosexual 异性的 ...

5.同志 (king's wife) 王后 (homosexual) 男同性恋者 king 1. 国王 ...

7.泛指所有同性恋者 ... Dyke 女同性恋者 Homosexual 泛指所有同性恋者 Transexual 变性欲者 ...


1.So not approached any other woman, this does not seem to homosexual characteristics!所以就没有找过别的女人,这个好象不是同性恋的特点吧!

2.Much also has been made of his countless paisons, reputed to be both heterosexual and homosexual, and failed relationships.他所拥有的无数亲密关系中既有异性恋也有同性恋,但全部通通失败。

3.She does not describe herself as homosexual, but in retrospect I feel she might have been happier if she had remained a transvestite.她并未将自己描绘成同性恋,不过,回想以前的情况,我觉得如果她保持自己的同性恋状态会更开心一些。

4.That it is just a verbal issue. Unfortunately, in the case of the Louisiana decision, they banned both civil unions and homosexual marriage.这只是口头的问题,不幸的是,在路易斯安那州的决定中,他们禁止,民间团体和同性恋婚姻。

5.He was apparently content to let a rumour circulate that he had dropped out of circulation in shame over a homosexual affair.而且他显然很乐意散布这种谣言:他已因耻于同性恋事件而退出社交圈。

6.Do you think homosexual partners have right to make up a family and enjoy the right of partners' inheritance or not?你认为同性恋伴侣是否有权利享有组织家庭及享有伴侣遗产的权利?

7.It seems to me about an old man's homosexual feepngs toward a young boy.这似乎讲的是有关一位老年人对另一位少年存在的近乎同性恋的感情。

8.A foreigner saw this and laughed at it that how a pair of homosexual copulating monkeys would encourage customers to purchase a keyboard?一个外国人在街上看到这广告,他笑一对在进行同性性行为的猴子怎麽促销电子琴?。

9.Student: Actually what I was trying to say was would a priest be required to marry a homosexual couple?学生,其实我想说的是,神父是否会被要求为同性恋情侣实施婚礼?

10.Further research would be needed to determine if homosexual men were actually getting more tumours or had greater survival rates, she said.比较有需要的是,未来的研究能着重在是否同性恋男性更易患肿瘤还是具有更高的存活率。