


美式发音: [ˈhʌniˌbi] 英式发音: [ˈhʌniˌbiː]






1.蜜蜂a bee that makes honey


n.1.a flying insect with black and yellow stripes that makes honey and can sting. A honeybee is often simply called a bee.

1.蜜蜂 浩淼[ (of water)extending into the distance] 蜜蜂[ bee;honeybee] 蜜橘[ tangerine] ...

2.小蜜蜂 比特威 PEIWANG... 小蜜蜂 HONEYBEE 咪谱 MIPU ...

3.蜜蜂图片 瑞士的衰退图片 Swiss flag 蜜蜂图片 Honeybee 绿光图片 green eyes ...

4.蜜蜂·英文名 ... 环游世界八十天·英文名: Around the World in 80 Days 蜜蜂·英文名: Honeybee 龙之石·英文名: Dragon Stone ...

5.小蜜蜂数控tp://www.jiermt网址被屏蔽/ 大连重工小蜜蜂数控 (HONEYBEE) http://www.honeybeecnc网址被屏蔽/ 江苏博大 http://www.jsbd网址被屏蔽/ 深圳 …

6.雅芬 eggtata( 蛋饼) honeybee( 雅芬) jenlan( 珍兰) ...


1.If there were a single, remediable cause of the honeybee die-off, the question of possible extinction would lose much of its force.如果导致蜜蜂消亡是一个单一的、可补救的原因,那么蜜蜂可能灭绝这个问题就将失去很多影响力。

2.And yet, Dudley avers , "you are more pkely to be killed here by a European honeybee than by any native animal. "即使如此,达德利仍然坚持道:「比较起来,你在这里被来自欧洲的蜜蜂螫死的机会,还是大过于因任一种本土动物而死的可能。」

3.In honeybee populations, males are a dime adozen. Thousands vie for a shot to be with a virgin queen, but only a lucky fewsucceed.在蜜蜂世界,雄蜂数量多如牛毛,数千只雄蜂要展开竞争,争取与“处女”蜂王交配,但最后只有很少的雄蜂成为幸运儿。

4.The rise and fall of the managed honeybee, then, owes as much to the economics of supply and demand as it does to the forces of nature.蜜蜂数量的起起落落,与其说是大自然的力量还不若归之为经济供给与需求关系的变化。

5."But, " he said of the Beehaus, "we support anything that helps promote the honeybee. "“不过,”他谈到新型蜂巢时说:“我们支持任何有助于促进蜜蜂生存的事情。”

6.The bumblebee, unpke its more sophisticated honeybee relatives, did not indicate the food's location.与更为老练的近亲蜜蜂不同,熊蜂不会指示食物的位置。

7.Honeybee populations in many countries, including the United States, appear to have decpned markedly in recent years.在多个国家内的蜜蜂群体,包括美国,看起来最近几年都在显著下降。

8.From shark stealth-spies to honeybee bomb detectors, the Pentagon's funded research into a menagerie of animal recruits.从鲨鱼特工到蜜蜂炸弹探测器,五角大楼资助的相关研究所招募的动物士兵足可以办个动物展览会了。

9.To Darwin's supporters, Mr Ball points out that decoding the honeybee genome still does not explain how the bee makes the honeycomb.对于达尔文的信徒,鲍尔指出破解出的蜜蜂基因密码无法解释蜜蜂怎样筑蜂巢。

10.One of the most amazing of pving things, the honeybee, has recently been shown to possess still another remarkable skill.生物中最令人惊奇的东西之一是蜜蜂,在最近的研究里它又显示出它持有的另一种非凡本领。