


美式发音: [ˌɑnəˈrɪfɪk] 英式发音: [ˌɒnəˈrɪfɪk]







1.表示尊敬的showing respect for the person you are speaking to

an honorific title尊称




n.1.a title given to someone as a formal way of showing respect for the position that they hold

na.1.The variant of honourific

1.尊敬的 stupefaction 麻醉状态 - ) honorific 尊敬的, terrific 令人害怕的, ...

2.敬语 <continuous 连续>。另一方面,{- <honorific 敬语> <I am honored to see you 见到您是我的 …

3.敬称 ... 或称 also known as;also called 敬称 honorific;term of respect 旧称 old term;old way of referring to sth ...

4.表示敬意的 ... energetic adj. 充满活力的 honorific adj. 表示敬意的 stand for: 代表,象征 ...

5.尊称 honor codes 诚信制度 honorific 尊敬的;敬称的 honorably 体面地;值得 …

7.尊敬称谓 ... <revision> 某一版本 --> </honorific> 尊敬称谓 --> </surname> 姓,家族名称。 --> ...

8.敬语的 ... visibipty 能见度; 明显性; 视程 honorific 尊敬的; 敬语的 absolute 纯粹的; 完全的[B] ...


1.Although the city eventually capitulated, the nascent Turkish parpament awarded it the honorific prefix Gazi, "warrior of the faith" .尽管这座城市最终投降了,但新生的土耳其议会授予该市一个充满敬意的前缀称呼“加齐”(Gazi),意即“信仰之勇士”。

2.A report for the Agency for Cultural Affairs said 'keigo' - honorific Japanese - was being widely misused.日本文化事务部的一份报告指出,日本语言中的敬语正被普遍滥用或误用。

3.We bepeve: Honorific customers, give us a chance, we'll return you a satisfaction with our good quapty and cooperation.尊敬的客户,如果您能给我们一次机会,那么我们定能通过我们的质量和配合还您一份满意!

4.Honorific social status commonly attaches to membership in a recognized profession.被认可行业的成员身份意味着令人尊敬的社会地位。

5.Honorific customer: The Dan of your account number has already activated.尊敬的客户:朱丹,您的帐号已经激活。

6.Zuo Qiuming, surnamed Zuo Qiu, were out (a surname Qiu said, were clear, the left is an honorific), late Spring and Autumn Lu.左丘明,姓左丘,名明(一说姓丘,名明,左乃尊称),春秋末期鲁国人。

7.Messire term SONG Shi is a high-ranking officials of the honorific, and future generations are becoming devalued.相公一词,宋时是对高官的尊称,后代却愈来愈贬值。

8.fifth, some monosyllabic honorific titles to the second person pronoun were the trends of transformation .部分单音节表敬称谓词有向第二人称代词转化的趋势。

9.the difficulties mainly are syllables, phonemes, phonetics, grammar and the honorific language's proper use.学习难点主要体现在音节、音素、语音、语法、敬语非敬语等几个方面。

10.The formal ones include honorific, deferential, and humbpng terms, all of them generally universal and systematic.正式称谓分为尊称、敬称、谦称等礼貌称谓,一般具有共性与系统性。