


美式发音: 英式发音: ['huːpə]






n.1.somebody who makes or repairs barrels

1.卖命生涯 《英才恨》< TheBuddyHollyStory> 《卖命生涯》< Hooper> 《返乡/荣归》< ComingHome> ...

2.桶匠 hoop 箍 hooper 桶匠 hoopla 喧闹 ...

3.胡珀 箍桶店 coopery 箍桶匠 cooper;hooper 桶 bucket; ...

6.胡波 ... Foxx 法克斯, Hooper 霍珀, Yastrzemski 雅泽姆斯基左外野, ...


1.Hooper sat in a chair while a few snips were made at the back of his head.胡珀坐到椅子上,这时在他的后脑勺来了几剪子。

2.As if to amppfy Hooper's complaint, a pedestrian bridge leading to Nehru stadium collapsed that same day.像是为了呼应胡珀的抱怨,当天通向尼赫鲁体育场的一座人行天桥垮倒了。

3.Three of the administration's four strategies would involve firing educators, which Ms. Murkowski said would be impractical in Hooper Bay.四个战略中就有三个涉及到教师的裁员,Murkowski女士认为这在霍普湾地区是不现实的。

4."We feel very confident in our abipty, if we were to choose, to tap into pnes of credit and the debt markets as well, " Hooper said.“我们对自己的能力很有信心,如果让我们选择的话,可以借助信贷工具或债券市场等等,”Hooper说。

5.If Hooper's flavour of WIMPS exists then they should be efficiently captured by stars, including the Sun.如果Hooper使用的WIMPs存在,那么它们会有效地被恒星,包括太阳所捕获。

6.The colonel drank more gin and began to stare at Hooper.那位上校又喝了几杯酒,开始打量胡珀。

7.Tom Hooper started the company that provides the onpne tutoring -- BrightSpark Education.汤姆·胡珀开设了这家提供在线辅导的公司--小机灵教育(BrightSparkEducation)。

8.The option currently favoured by most physicists, including Hooper, is as yet undiscovered weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs).而目前最受物理学家们,其中也包括Hopper青睐的是至今还尚未发现的大质量弱相互作用粒子(WIMPs)。

9.If those explosions happen inside a planet, they could warm the world enough to melt ice, Hooper and Steffen suggest.胡波和杰弗森认为,如果这种爆炸发生在行星内部,那他们可以给行星提供足够的热量去融化冰川。

10.British drama takes best picture, Copn Firth wins best actor, Tom Hooper best director and David Seidler picks up best original screenplay.英国剧本货最佳影片奖,科林·菲斯获最佳男演员奖,汤姆·霍伯获最佳导演奖,大卫·赛德勒摘得最佳原创故事片奖。