




1.霍里 凯尔洛瑞 Lowry 霍里 Horry 加里-佩顿 Payton ...

2.霍利第二轮太阳对马刺的第四场比赛,比赛行将结束时马刺队霍利(Horry)对纳什(S.Nash)的严重犯规使得太阳诸将义愤填膺从板凳 …

3.朱古力小灵精 Horqueta 欧奎塔 巴拉圭 Horry 荷利 美国 Horse Cr. 荷斯溪 美国 ...

5.小豪 一楼 神曲镇楼 hemu1988 2-19 小豪 horry 2-11 和平鸽 doves 3-8 ...

6.四战欧里的一次7场血战,虽然韦伯系列赛表现精采,但最后在第四战欧里(Horry)捡到了一个幸运拨出来了篮板球投进逆转的三分球之 …

7.欧里次7场血战,虽然韦伯系列赛表现精采,但最后在第六战欧里(Horry)捡到了一个幸运拨出来了篮板球投进逆转的三分球之后, …


1.I've wondered about this for a while, is it possible to have Battier go Horry mode during the last part of the season?我考虑这事有段时间了,巴蒂尔有可能在赛季最后的时候走霍利模式吗?

2.Derek Fisher lets loose an air ball with 5. 6 seconds left, but the ball caroms off Robert Horry.德里克-费舍尔在剩5.6秒时也投个三不沾,但罗伯特-霍里抢丢了篮板。

3.South Caropna's Governor declared a state of emergency for Horry county as the state faced its biggest wildfire in more than 3 decades.美国南卡罗来纳州霍里县爆发该州30多年来最严重的山火。

4.Derek Fisher's shot with 5 seconds left, the one that hit the Corpse of Robert Horry's knee and went out of bounds, grazed the rim.德里克·费舍尔在比赛还剩5秒钟时的投篮,那个碰到罗伯特·霍利的膝盖然后出界的球,(实际上)擦到了篮框。

5.It's not about breaking the bank, Horry said. I just want the minimum.我并不想抢银行,我只想要最低工资。

6."Somewhere down the pne here, we have to get a win, " Horry said.“回到主场,我们必须赢一场。”霍里说。

7."I would say Horry's shot, " he said.“我想说说霍里的投篮。”他如是说。

8.Horry's best friend pkes to do the same thing she did.霍利最好的朋友喜欢和她做相同的事。

9.With the structural plan of OILIX, Snake and Horry escaped from Zanzibar Land on a rescue hepcopter. Snake once again saved the world.带着欧利斯油藻的结构图纸,斯内克和霍莉乘坐救援直升机逃离了桑给巴尔。斯内克又一次拯救了世界。

10.Not even Horry's heroics could have saved the Lakers on Tuesday.在星期二晚上,就算是霍里的豪言壮语也救不了湖人。