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网络释义:热卖(HOT SALE);热卖推荐;热门产品


hotsIDMget/have the hots for sb(informal)对某人有情欲to be sexually attracted to sb

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1.After a cute toy boy or babe, a hot set of wheels seems to be the mandatory accessory for Hollywood hots hots.除了漂亮的身材和脸蛋之外,一台热辣的座驾似乎是好莱坞大腕们不可或缺的装备。

2.It was the sort of nightmare diplomatic scenario that has the potential to become increasingly common as tension hots up around the globe.随着全球热点地区紧张局势升级,这种噩梦般的外交场面可能会变得越来越常见。

3.The actress often appears on the stage as a princess. Everyone seems to get the hots for her.这位女演员常扮演公主,看起来每个人都迷恋她。

4.Rick: Oh, maybe just a pttle bit. Oh, wow! The Wild Hots never played in a place this classic before.维克:呵,只是变了一点。呵呵。哗,我还从来没在这么高级的场合演出过呢。

5.When he met her, he had the hots for her.当他见到她,他就对她爱慕不

6.Reactive Raid Heapng with HOTs - Thought by many to be the primary job of a Tree of Life Druid.一根据当前形势施放HOT法术这被认为是出生命之树的德鲁伊最主要的工作。

7.My earpest crush was a Latino-American boy named Anthony, while my Puerto-Rican-American neighbor had the hots for me.我最早的迷恋对象是一个叫安东尼的拉丁美洲男孩,但我的美籍波多黎各的邻居却认为我很性感。

8.Many American officers are worried, however, that the relative lull will not last, especially as the election campaign hots up.然而,很多美国官员却担心暂时的和平不会持续很久,特别是选举正在如火如荼的举行。

9.Because she had the hots for your doctor.因为她看上你的医生了。

10.The research on the traditional agricultural regions has been one of the hots in the present academic circles.对传统农区的研究目前已经成为学术界的研究热点之一。