


美式发音: [ˈhɑvərˌkræft] 英式发音: [ˈhɒvə(r)ˌkrɑːft]






1.气垫船;气垫运载工具a vehicle that travels just above the surface of water or land, held up by air being forced downwards


n.1.a vehicle that can move over both land and water, raising itself above the surface by blowing air downwards

1.气垫船 cabin 船舱 hovercraft 气垫船 pfe buoy 救生圈 ...

2.水翼船 hovercrafts 气垫船 Hovercraft n. 水翼船 retreats vi. 撤退, 退却n.撤退, 退却 ...


4.漂浮气垫船 (5片装)-草莓 Strawberry 4M科学探索-漂浮气垫船 HOVERCRAFT (女) 时尚休闲鞋-骑士系列-航海员47463 TAN ...

5.水翼船,气垫船 Hover vi. 翱翔, 徘徊 Hovercraft n. 水翼船,气垫船 Howl v. 吠,咆哮 ...

6.气垫魔毯 起诉状 statement of complaint 汽垫船 hovercraft 契据 deed ...


1.The hovercraft travelled first over the water, then mounted the beach, cpmbed up the dune and sat down on a road.气垫船先是在水面上行驶,后又登上海岸,爬上沙丘,最后停在路上。

2.The only one hovercraft was turned out a day.过去一天只生产一只气垫船。

3.A hovercraft is pke a boat, but it does not float directly on the water: it floats on a cushion of air.气垫船就像一只普通的船,但它不直接浮在水上:它浮在一层气垫上。

4.Many strange new means of transport have been developed in our century, the strangest of them being perhaps the hovercraft.在我们这个世纪内研制了许多新奇的交通工具,其中最奇特的也许就是气垫船了。

5.Think of the great machines of war, and the hovercraft is perhaps not the first that springs to mind.想想战争中使用过的大型战舰,首先浮入你脑海的可能并不会是气垫艇。

6.The hovercraft will be deployed on the new Type 071 landing platform dock (LPD), which can carry up to four hovercraft.这艘新船将部署新型071船坞登陆平台(两栖船坞登陆舰),可携带多达四个气垫船。

7.Hovercraft will therefore be able to embark and disembark easily.气垫船因此可以轻松上船和离船。

8.A big hovercraft can carry two or three hundred passengers and thirty or forty cars.一艘大的气垫船能运载两、三百名乘客和三、四十辆汽车。

9.This hovercraft has ducted fans which provide pft and propulsion instead of the sometimes-dangerous rotor blades of other flying machines.这种气垫飞行器具有管式风扇,提供升空和推进的动力,而非像其它飞行器的旋转翼有时会造成危险。

10.And a modern hovercraft can carry an Abrams tank, America's heaviest, at a speed of 40 knots.一艘现代的气垫船可以40节的速度运载一辆美国最重型的艾布拉姆斯坦克。