




1.德约教授身发展的高标准幼儿园科学运用美国哈佛大学霍华德.伽德约教授Howard-Gardner)创立的多元化智能教育理念,注重幼儿 …


1.Even Howard Gardner, renowned author of the theory of multiple intelpgences, values the attainment of a single expertise.即便是曾提出多元理论的著名作者霍华德·加德纳,也一直对单一技能所取得的成就给予好评。

2.Perhaps it is not surprising to see Howard Gardner quoting him approvingly.看到霍华德?加德纳非常赞成地援引他的这番话,或许并不令人惊讶。

3.Professor Howard Gardner of Harvard University developed the Theory of Multiple Intelpgences in his book Frames of Mind.哈佛大学的霍华德•加德纳教授在其《心智的结构》一书中提出了多元智能理论。

4.Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University, developed a theory called, "Multiple Intelpgences" .霍华德·加德纳博士,哈佛大学的教育学教授,提出了多元智能理论。

5.In 1983, American psychologist Howard Gardner first introduced Multiple Intelpgences theory (MI theory) in his book Frames of Mind.美国心理学家加德纳于1983年在他的著作《智力的结构》中首次提出了多元智能理论。

6.In 1983, psychologist Howard Gardner introduced a theory to help explain this problem.1983年,一位心里学家霍华德。加德纳提出一种理论来解释这个问题。

7.Along with Howard Gardner, Daniel Goleman inspires aware that emotions are too often ignored in current circles.和加德纳一样,丹尼尔高曼鼓舞在现实情况常常被忽略的情绪智能。

8.Let's first take a look at how Howard Gardner's theory would work in a classroom.让我们先来瞧瞧霍华德·加德纳的理论在课堂上将怎样起作用。