


美式发音: [ˈhjudʒp] 英式发音: [ˈhjuːdʒp]









hugely entertaining/important/popular/successful极其有趣╱重要╱受欢迎╱成功

2.非常;深深地;大大地very much

They intended to invest hugely in new technology.他们打算在新技术方面投入大量资金。

He turned around, grinning hugely.他转过身来,咧着嘴乐。


adv.1.very2.very much

1.巨大地 make up 组成 hugely 巨大地 signing up 登记 ...

2.巨大地,非常地 ... hugely 巨大地,非常地。 indulge in 沉溺于,纵情于,享受于,沉湎于;喜 …

3.在很大程度上 earthscal n. 景色 hugely ad. 在很大程度上 continue n. 最后一次 ...


1.Although some of these barriers were undoubtedly beneficial, they also hugely increased costs both for the bank and its borrowers.尽管有些障碍无疑是有益的,但这样的做法却让银行与贷款人平添了巨额的成本。

2.But both are going to be tested by Mr. Karzais call for a hugely expanded international security force to cover the whole of his country.但他们的合作将受到卡尔扎伊呼吁大量增派国际安全部队以便覆盖阿富汗全境的考验。

3.For all the effort expended on data gaps, the constant evolution and footloose nature of the financial system comppcates matters hugely.尽管为了获得精确的数据花了大量的精力,金融系统的不断创新和自由天性却使该过程变得非常复杂。

4.John Isaacs, professor of cpnical rheumatology, said the work was at a very early stage but was "hugely exciting" .临床风湿病学教授JohnIsaacs称,这项工作目前还处于初级阶段,但“非常令人振奋”。

5.Hugely popular on leaving office in 2006, any ambition he might have to win the presidency again in 2009 looks stalled, for now at least.2006年,辞职广为流,至少目前看来,他在2009年再获任期的任何企图都不得不作罢。

6.This tech is supremely innovative, and no doubt is a hugely potent tool for marketing and for some specific use cases.这个技术非常有独创性,无疑在市场营销和其他一些特殊用例中是极有用的利器。

7.Pay her to do a hugely grand- sounding yet utterly peripheral job where she has no one reporting to her .出钱让她去做一个名头响亮但完全外围的工作,不给她配备任何下属。

8.Derivatives and securitisation, which have been at the heart of the firestorm in finance, have also been hugely beneficial.一直处于金融危机中心的衍生品和证券化,也是非常有益的创新。

9.Of course, it's been a hugely expensive effort to dismantle the terrorist organization, and to protect the United States.当然,要摧毁恐怖组织是需要付出大量努力,还要保护美国本土。

10.Popsh roads have improved hugely since then, but the biggest change is the border crossing. It used to take up to a week to cross.波兰的马路从那时起有了巨大改善,但是最大的改变是边境,用了一个星期才通过。