

human milk

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1.人乳 人字缝 lambdoid suture 人乳 human milk 人体生物学 == ( biology ) ...

2.母乳lk动物性的铁质会较植物性的铁质好经由肠胃道吸收;母乳human milk)和婴儿配方奶粉(infant formula),国人母乳的含 …

3.乳汁 ... ( 骨缝 ) lambdoid suture ( 乳汁 ) human milk ( 基因组 ) Human Genome Project ...

4.人奶 乳糖 Lactose 人奶 Human Milk 马奶 Horse Milk ...

5.人奶英文 ... 滕冈靛 Milk Man 人奶英文 Human Milk 奶蓟 Major Lipids ...

6.人乳汁 人乳 human milk 人乳汁 human milk 人乳粉 powdered human milk ...


1.However, infants receiving human milk actually absorb more calcium into their bodies, due to the fact that cow's milk is so rich in calcium.然而,母乳喂养的婴儿实际上吸收的钙更多,因为牛奶含钙太多了。

2.Residues of hexachlorocyclohexane isomers in human milk of two population from beijing and shenyang, china were studied.中国正在北京和沈阳两个城市进行关于六氯化苯同分异构体在人类乳汁中含量的研究。

3.Indeed, some researchers are asking why infant formula cannot be prepared on a base of human milk.事实上一些研究人员提出,为什么配方奶不能用人类母乳作为原料。

4.First, our children's diet. Human beings should be fed with human milk; however, most children nowadays grow up drinking cow's milk.从饮食来说:人应该吃人乳,但现在的孩子大多是饮牛乳长大的;

5.A quick survey of what biotech companies are doing shows the range of benefits being attributed to human milk.只要对生物技术公司所做的工作稍有了解,就可以看出人乳带来的种种益处。

6.Several molecules in human milk besides secretory IgA prevent microbes from attaching to mucosal surfaces.除了分泌型的免疫球蛋白A,母乳还有很多可以阻止微生物黏附在黏膜表面的分子。

7.Only the Breast represents just one facet of the emerging market in human milk.“仅售母乳”网其实只代表了母乳市场发展的冰山一角。

8.Proper hygiene, handpng, and storage are important when preparing fortified human milk.运用时请留意准确的运用办法,卫生、运用、贮存特别主要。

9.Acura human mothers, mothers gave birth to the human uterus, and human milk feeding.人类讴歌母亲,母亲用子宫孕育了人类,用乳汁哺育了人类。

10.My baby is now eating rice milk, human milk also occasionally eat fish soup, baby can also add what?我家宝宝现在就吃人奶米粉牛奶还有喝汤偶尔还吃点鱼,宝宝还可以补充点什么?