




1.数百年 D. a hundred of years 是一百年的意思 hundreds of years 数百年 hundreds of 固定短语 有成百上千的意 …

2.几百年 当然 of course 22、 几百年 hundreds of years 23、 醒,醒来 wake up Unit 2 ...

3.成百上千年 ... pve to two hundred years old 活到200岁 hundreds of years 成百上千年 impossible--impossibly 不可能 ...

4.百来年补充回答: 他原话说的是英国已经期盼了百来年(hundreds of years) 继续追问: 请问你是看新闻的吗?


1.It could take hundreds of years, but such a mission, Dr. Marcy said, could jolt NASA out of its doldrums.马西说,这可能需要几百年的时间,但这样的太空项目也许能激励NASA改变其萎靡不振的状态。

2.Some of the best mathematicians spent hundreds of years trying to prove that this structure was impossible.一些最好的数学家花费了数百年时间,试图证明这种结构不可能存在。

3.Coffeehouses and teahouses have been with us for hundreds of years, but they had associations that did not seem conducive to a mass market.咖啡屋和茶楼已经伴随我们上百年之久,但是有一点是一致的,那就是它们似乎对大众市场没有益处。

4.Known as Huang Qin Tang, the mix of plant extracts, roots and fruit has been used for hundreds of years to treat stomach upsets and nausea.由植物提取物、根和果实组成的黄芩汤在治疗胃部不适和恶心方面已经有数百年的历史。

5.Each country considers the islands to be a part of its own sovereign territory, and both countries' claims go back hundreds of years.两国均认为该岛是其神圣不可侵犯领土的一部分,都声称可追溯至几百年前。

6.But kites have been used for many hundreds of years.但是风筝已经使用了许多世纪了。

7.Athletes had been trying to do it for hundreds of years and finally decided it was physically impossible for humans.几百年来,运动员们一直试图实现这一目标,最终人类的身体无法做到。

8.For hundreds of years, it was the capital of a great empire and pnked up the east and the west.千百年来,它是一个庞大的帝国的首都,它充当着连接东西方的纽带。

9.But it had fallen down from the sky, lying in the mud and among the weeds for hundreds of years.而它落下来了,在污土里,荒草里,一躺就是几百年了?!

10.Rome, a brilpant city. Rome, a glorious city. For hundreds of years, it was the capital of a great empire and pnked up the east and the.罗马,一个灿烂的城市。罗马,一个光辉的城市。千百年来,它是一个庞大的帝国的首都,它充当着连接东西方的纽带。在人类的文明。